6sense Campaign Launch

  • Choose your folder based on the campaign vertical (PAC, ACU, BCH, etc).

  • Locate target segment within folders. Open segment -> take action -> create 6sense advertising campaign.

  • Campaign Set Up:

    • Campaign Naming Convention is vertical abbreviation | short but descriptive campaign name | campaign ID

      • ex: REL | Brand Awareness | 701RM00000CMuxYYAT

  • Schedule

    • Choose flight dates - 90 days, unless otherwise noted

    • Daypart - Only weekdays, 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM, Use the Viewer's timezone

  • Budget

    • Overall budget - $350, unless otherwise noted

    • Daily budget - $5

    • Target CPM - at the low end of what the tool suggests

  • Frequency Cap - 4 impressions per user, per day

  • Alert Recipients - none

  • Additional Details - none



  • Ads Setup

    • Load your Banner ads

    • Name the Banner ads (unique names for each ad are required). Keep creative standard name intact.

    • Add in landing page URL w/ updated utm parameters.

    • Click “Next” to move on to the advanced targeting settings.

  • Advanced Targeting

    • Persona - do not include, this adds costs to the campaign

    • Device type – Desktop

    • Inventory type – Web only

    • Domain – Continue with existing global exclusion list

    • Brand Safety – standard protection

    • Optimization – activate both options (Account Pacing & Viewability Optimization)

    • Country - United States

    • Language - English

  1. One more review to ensure that everything in the campaign is correct.

  2. Launch 6sense campaign!

    1. If you choose a date other than the current date, the campaign will be put into a “Scheduled” stage where you can still edit before it fully launches on the date you choose.