Endeca/Oracle Updating H1s & H2s

Note: Before making updates here, make sure that the pages are not Course pages, as these H1s reflect the course name which must be kept for accreditation purposes. If you have any questions, please direct them to the Relias Academy CMM

Current Contact: Grace Beesley

  • Click the page on the left hand side that you would like to update.

  • *For the "Assisted Living Administrator" pages click the down arrow to expand all pages.

    1. Under the "Content Editor" tab, go to "HTMLContentRender", and click the "Edit text" button under "Section Settings"



    this will open a window that you can edit the text on the page and configure what you would like the text to be I.e. H1 or H2

    1. Click save, and close out of window. Click blue "Save Changes" button in upper right hand corner.

    2. Run EAC Admin console to push changes live.



    Additional How To Notes: