SEO Workflow

  • Workflow

    • Daily: focus is on making the optimizations needed to hit monthly and long term revenue goals

    • Weekly Search Team Standup:  discuss priorities for the week, bring up any issue you need help with right away

    • Weekly 1-1s: review how I can help you get things done and grow on the job as well as any performance issues/workload

    • Weekly PPC/SEO Performance Report: Every Friday by EOD, PPC has been doing notes on MTD and YTD for the CMMs.  SEO has not been included but in 2020, we’ll start adding SEO to the One Note reports as well

    • Bi-Weekly PPC and SEO Meetings: Review items from SMEs (tips, betas, things to know, bring up a challenge for the group to solve, bring up a success to share with the team - this is about collaboration and how we can help each other)

    • Bi-Weekly Site Standups (by CMM) - discuss current month issues - don’t need reports for these but come prepared to discuss problems and what you need or ideas to help resolve issues - CMMs also discuss larger initiatives that you need to be aware of

    • Monthly Courses: HR assigns us ongoing education - typically one course per month, I will sometimes add something to that if it’s relevant but it’s rare

    • Quarterly Roadmap Check-in: Each quarter review where you’re at against your yearly roadmap to check progress, address roadblocks etc...

    • Quarterly Report: We do not have a formal report for this yet, will be putting one together for 2020.  The data here will be used to help create the executive QBR report that Lance reviews with the ELT.

    • Quarterly Check-ins UKG: Review where you’re at against team goals - we have a set document for this which I will send out - your first ones will be in April 2020

    • Yearly Reviews UKG: final review for end of year performance before merit increases - February timing

    • Yearly Roadmap: Put together an outline of plans for the year at a high level (i.e. testing new vendors, new creative types needed, long term SEO plans by quarter)



  • Communication Tools (what to use, when, how)

    • Teams

      • Main communication method, we use it for IM, phone calls, screen shares

      • Best used as a meeting method if it’s only you and one other person although you can do multiple people calls on Teams

      • Important to update your status if you’re out to lunch or out sick/out of office for the people who are remote to know when to contact you

      • Pinning things makes everything easier to find (you can star people for direct messages or star info within a thread to find it easier later)

    • Email

      • This is used more sparingly for announcements, items that are less time sensitive or you want to add more detail with

      • Try to have conversations vs. emails or know when to pull things out of email if it becomes a long back and forth chain

      • Great for follow up notes - recommend if you meet with a CMM or anyone else where dates or to do’s are takeaways, following up with a notes email keeps everyone on track

      • Calendar - set your work hours so meetings aren’t scheduled when you’re off

      • OOO - be sure to set if you’re out sick/on PTO

      • Recommend blocking time for lunch or any heads down time you need to do reports - if you’re flexible - mark the time as tentative so people know they can ask you about it vs. busy

    • Airtable

      • This is our project management tool - when requesting something be done, this is the right method vs. email/Slack for the formal ask so it goes into people’s “queue” - things asked in Slack/Email tend to get lost so you may want to follow up an ask with an AT task when needed

      • You can decide on how granular you want to be with tasks for yourself

        • At a minimum, please put in tasks you are working on that will take significant amount of time (i.e. you are rebuilding an entire ad account, doing keyword research for SEO that will take hours) - this helps me see how much is on your plate

          • I put all of my to dos I need to remember in AT rather than using that and outlook and paper but use whatever method works best for you

        • Configure personal views to help you see your tasks

        • When you have a question on a task - @ mention the person you have the question for and keep all communication in the task

        • When task for someone else is completed - do a quick comment that @mentions the person who assigned the task and just say “completed” - AT isn’t the best at communicating out changes to tickets so that person isn’t always aware you’ve completed something.