Nurse.com Live/Production Site

Nurse.com Live/Production Site

Nurse.com Live/Production Site

  • https://reliasadmin.nurse.com/admin


    • On Magento

      • This is the live site! AKA the production site

      • Only make redirect changes here

      • Any urgent requests, please send to engineering. Non urgent requests, see instructions below under "CMS Site to make changes (not live)"

    • Must connect to the VPN to access live site.




    Make Redirects

  • First, sign in to Nurse Magento CMS

    • Select Catalog > Product > Find the product that needs updating

    • Disable product

    • Remove from assigned category/categories and add to DELETED COURSES - DO NOT ENABLE category

    • Publish these updates

  • Once these steps are done, then complete the below on Nurse Magento Production:

    1. Marketing

    2. URL Rewrites

    3. Click “Add URL Rewrite”

    4. Store - is auto set to “octstoreadmin” store view. Change this to “Nurse”  by using down arrow to get to the nurse view 

    5. “Request Path” is the From or the Old URL. Don’t include https://www.nurse.com/ . Only include remaining part of the URL.

    6. “Target Path” is the To or the New URL that the Old URL should be redirected To. Again, don’t include the initial part of the URL - https://www.nurse.com/

      1. *UNLESS you are redirecting to the home page in which you will put the full URL.

    7. Choose “301” as the redirect type

    8. Leave description blank

    9. Click “Save

    *Sometimes redirects automatically work. Test to see by going to the “From” URL. Sometimes not, and so check the next day to confirm they are redirecting correctly then.


    **You can do URL > Catalog URL

    **You cannot do Catalog URL > URL


    404 Errors
    **Any strange 404 error URL strings, just leave as 404 and don't redirect. They are probably bogus links generated by some other website. Any website can attempt to make any link to any other site. If Googlebot finds such a link, it will crawl it; if it gets a 404 off that URL, it will report it to you as a crawl error.


    302 Redirects

    If you set up a 302 redirect and then want to delete it because you want that page live again, you need to re-add  the catalog redirect back in.- https://relias.atlassian.net/browse/PAP-3364




    More Info from Justin re: redirects:

    • The ones that are redirectType = No, are added automatically by the Magento Admin when someone sets up a product.

    • If there's an existing rewrite for an active product you will need to delete it and then add one as redirectType=301-permanent

    • By default the product URLs are in that format you'll see in the rewrites table, when you save a product and have friendly URLs turned on, it will create that rewrite entry automatically

    • I "think" they are deleted automatically when you disable a product, I do know that they are created automatically when you create a product. our content team doesnt touch those





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