Nurse CMS How To's
Nurse CMS Site to Make SEO Changes (Not Live)
Login to the VPN if you are having trouble logging into Magento.*
All content updates are made here
Changes pushed to live site each night
On Magento
Preview Changes
Preview your changes to ensure they were made correctly
To see Meta Description changes here, Inspect the page and look at the page source between the <head> tags.
Save & Publish
Be sure to Preview your changes before saving and publishing.
Go to OCL Approval & Publishing
Do all of your changes and previews for the day so you can do a mass save & publish action instead of individually doing each
Select the checkbox of the item(s) that you have edited. You can sort by your name under "modified by"
Once you have selected all of your changes with the checkbox selector, then go to the "Actions" drop down and change to "Approve", hit "ok"
The page will refresh and will say "Total # of records are approved". When you see this, check the boxes of the items you'd like to publish again, go to "Actions" drop down again and this time change to "Schedule for Publishing", hit "ok" (Don't publish any changes on a Friday. If making changes on a Friday make a note for yourself to Schedule for Publishing on the following Monday)
The page should refresh again and the "publish status" will say "in publish queue".
The changes will now be published that evening in the nightly auto push
Check back the next day on the live site to ensure that your changes were updated properly.
*Note: If your posts are not being published overnight, in the CMS, check the store view in the top left hand corner of the page you are editing. It needs to be in the "All Store View". If edits, were done in the "Nurse View", you will need to go into "All Store View" and make the same edits.
You can also save, approve, schedule for publishing and then click "publish on demand" and the CMS will auto push your updates immediately. Only use this as a last resort.*
Steps to disable a page:
In CMS admin, go to Content -> Pages
Search by URL key: bhmt-wound-care
Set “Enable Page“: No
Save it
Publish to production
We need to do this, otherwise this will not be removed from the xml sitemap.
Updating URLs
For Product Pages/Category Pages-
Catalog > products
Select the product page in CMS you would like to update the URL for.
Click “edit”
Click “Search Engine Optimization”
Update the “URL Key” field to what you would like the new URL to be.
Make sure the “Create Permanent Redirect for old URL” box is checked.
Save, approve, and publish.
*Check to make sure that the page redirects, or add redirect manually in production.
Category Updates
Catalog > Categories > expand Categories to see child categories
Catalog URLs may not match up with the page name
Ex: Pediatric Nursing (CPN) CEU Courses | Is labeled as "pediatric continuing education courses in the cms backend
Changing the order of courses listed on Category pages
Catalog > Categories > Nursing Continuing Education Courses > Holistic Nursing & Complementary Healthcare Nursing CEU > Products in Category
Category Name
The Engineering team has created a separate field in admin to manage the sidebar menu label so the category name and the H1 can remain separate. If we add some label value to new field than label value will appear in the sidebar otherwise category name will appear in sidebar.
Steps to set the sidebar menu label for category.
1. Go to admin.
2. Click on Catalog=>Categories
3. Click on category to update.
4. Click on Nurse Custom Attributes.
5. To add new label for sidebar, Update " Sidebar Menu Label" value.
6. Click on Save.
7. Once done with all Category changes, you will need to do a Cache Clear. Note: Label changes will appear after clearing the cache. Steps to Clear the Cache:
Go to System
Cache Management
Select the "Blocks HTML Output"
Click "Submit"
8.Then Preview in CMS to ensure that changes have been made before scheduling changes for publish.
Add/Remove Categories from the left hand side bar menu list on Courses page
Login to CMS
Click on the category that needs to update
Enable/Disable "Include in Menu". See screenshot below for reference
Click on Save
Clear the "Blocks HTML output" Cache
Go to System
Cache Management
Select the "Blocks HTML Output"
Click "Submit"
Preview in CMS to ensure changes have been updated
SEO section
keywords (do not add the keywords to this section. Not needed by Google and shares your SEO target keywords with competitors or anyone who inspects/crawls your page. Google doesn't need to see this and can determine page content with all the other SEO pointing factors)
description – Edit with page builder.
don't add columns/tabs.
Hover over the content box, click on the gear icon > edit > opens content box for H2, H3. Save when done. 2 arrows point is how you exit this pop up.
Nurse custom attributes – h2 – subtitle will show up under the category name on the front end user facing side
Can add more content to these pages without engineering assistance
Header Tabs (Audience, Outcomes, FAQs) and Helpful Links ( )
Video for Reference: MagentoNurseTabEdits.webex
Log in to CMS Nurse Magento Admin
Click Catalog on the left-hand side
Choose Categories
On the left-hand side there is an expandable list of categories. Expand the Nursing Continuing Education file
Select the No Test Nursing CEU Courses file
Choose the Banner Tabs Attributes drop down
Select Edit With Page Builder
Drag and drop a Row into the page
Drag and drop a Text element into the row
Select the gear icon for the text element to edit and add text
Save when you are complete and check on CMS
A) Steps to edit Banner Tabs and Helpful Links:
From the left Admin Sidebar, Click on "Catalog" -> "Categories".
Edit category to add/edit tabs.
Scroll down to "Banner Tabs Attributes" tab.
a) We can add a title and description for each tab as shown in the screenshot.
b) we can add or edit helpful links as show in the screenshot
Click on the save Category button to save changes.
B) Steps to edit green nursing CE bubble
From the left Admin Sidebar, Click on "Content" -> "Blocks".
Search for block named "Category UCE Block" then click edit.
It will open, edit block page. We can edit the content of the block.
Click on the save button.
Page Updates that are Template Based
OCL Content Management > Nurse > then you can see all the templates under "Nurse"
FAQ Page
OCL Content Management > Nurse > then you can see all the templates under "Nurse" > FAQ
Description – add straight html
Only 4 categories for the FAQ page questions template for different types of questions. If more categories are needed, Bethany will need to design a new page
Fields required are noted by an *
Fields not required that do not have an * and if blank, will not show up
Meta data for SEO purposes is on left hand side bar
To create a new template for the FAQ page, you will create new
Category titles – will show up as H2s
Promo details – could add a slide in banner at the end of the page. But not needed for FAQs
State CE Requirement (State Category) Pages
Objective: Learn how to update the new state category template. Meeting on 6/25
Magento CMS Login:
CMS Site URL: - Continuing Education, Jobs, & News for Nurses
Step One: Update the Category
Step Two: Update the Feature Product (Optional)
Step Three: Add the Feature Product Title & Description (Optional)
Step Four: Schedule to Publish
Step One: Update the Category
Navigate to categories tab (catalog -> categories)
Select state under Nursing CE Requirements by State folder
Expand Nurse State Attributes tab
Enable State New Layout Enable/Disable toggle (should be green)
Update description field* – Top banner above featured product section
Update Requirement for RN field* – RN section
Update Requirement for LPN field* – LPN/LVN section
Update State Static UCE Product field* – Top banner under featured product section
Enable Buy Package Section (should be green)
Update Buy Package Text Box field * – Promo banner section
Expand Products in Category (Nurse State Banner Product) tab
Click right Add Products button
Filter and select featured product – Product listed next to UCE in top banner
Update Products in Category and State Required Products if needed.
Save category (you can approve & publish now, but it is easier save it for the end)
Confirm the store view matches All Store Views.
*Quick Tip: copy and paste code from active state (SC, NY, FL, etc.) Make sure you click Show/Hide Editor if you want to copy and paste HTML.
Step Two: Update the Featured Product (Optional)
If there isn’t an active feature product you can skip this step.
Navigate to products tab (catalog -> products)
Search for featured product and click edit
Expand Custom Attributes tab
Update Product Subtitle field – Featured product subtitle. Needs to stay as a single line.
Step Three: Add the Feature Product Title & Description (Optional)
If there isn’t an active feature product you can skip this step.
Navigate to blocks tab (content -> blocks)
Add a new block by clicking top right Add New Block button
Add a title and identifier. This MUST match the below template for the title.
Enable Enable Block toggle (should be green)
Update field* – Featured product title. Needs to stay as a single line
Save block by clicking top right button
Repeat above steps but replace title and ID with description template.
Title Template: state_featuredproduct_title_(add SKU here)
Description Template: state_featuredproduct_desc_(add SKU here)
*Quick Tip: copy and paste code from active state (SC, NY, FL, etc.) Make sure you click Show/Hide Editor if you want to copy and paste HTML.
Step Four: Schedule to Publish
Navigate to OCL Approval And Publishing tab
Filter by Modified By field
Select 4 items (per state)
State Category
Featured Product
Title Block
Description Block
Update left dropdown to Approve
Select the same 4 items
Update left dropdown to Schedule For Publishing
Common Errors:
Once published store view does not match Default store view in WWW production.
If you ‘Save & Duplicate’ blocks it will break the approval and publishing sync.
HTML is copied and pasted in text field
Title or description title and ID does not match template exactly
Saved – approved – and published without confirming the category looks good using CMS link. - update view all courses link at the bottom of state requirement pages
Page Template Updates for Additional SEO Content -
Airtable | Everyone's app platform
Steps to edit block in admin area:
Login to the admin panel.
After login successfully, It will redirect to the dashboard page.
From the left Admin Sidebar, Click on "Catalog" -> "Categories".
Edit category to add/edit text for state under Main category “Nursing CE Requirements by State“ .
Scroll down to "Nurse State Attributes" tab.
a) Add banner text in “Description box”.
b) Add text in “Elective courses Description” box to show text below “Elective courses for State” heading
Click on the save category button to save changes.
The link at the bottom of each state ce requirements page
Go to Catalog > Categories > Edit Category “Nursing CE Requirements by State“
Go to section “Nurse State Attributes"
Update “State bottom section Button Link“
Ocl content mgmt
Pick an author
Store view > nurse view
And then it will create a page for them
Certification Review Pages (live page but use CMS to make edits)
catalog > categories
H1 - located in the Nurse Custom Attributes > General Content 1
Update on page content under "benefits of certification" and update this section to update the text to 2020 and include a link to the new salary report ( ).
Content > Elements > Blocks
Content Blocks are basically pieces of content that we can insert into other pages for reusability. They live in one section so when you update it, it will update on every other page that has it. (live page but use CMS to make edits)
catalog > products
H1 – Product Name
Need to add "Course Title:…" and "Course Description:…"underneath "Buy Course" button on pages where you are changing the H1 to something more SEO friendly. Edit this by going to Content > Short Description
Add "Additional Information: Online Self-Paced Course."
H2/Short Description – Custom Attributes > Certification Intro (has a limited amount of characters that can fit here) (live page but use CMS to make edits)
Catalog > categories
For meta tags
where on the CMS to add content above the Benefits/Ticket Information section (h1, h2, h3s)
Content > Elements > Blocks
{image missing}
Content Blocks
Pieces of content that we can insert into other pages for reusability. They live in one section, so when you update it, it will update on every other page that has it. You can find them
Content > Elements > Blocks
Example on this page - - and wanting to update the highlighted section below
Example on this page - - and wanting to update the content for the H1 and then adding a "Course Title" section too to appease accreditations requirements.
Update XML Sitemap
We have created the attributes at product, category or CMS page level to manage the priority,
exclude from sitemap and include for no-index. Below are the steps to update information.
To update and test category priority steps:
1. Go to the admin panel.
2. Click on Catalog=>Categories from the left sidebar.
3. Click on category to edit sitemap information.
4. Click on the Sitemap information tab.
5. Update the priority value, click on save.
6. To see the priority changes click on
7. Search for categories using the frontend url .
8. Look for the priority tag to see the updates value. Please see the screenshot.
For adding Podcast Schema Markup:
After logging into CMS Admin,go to
Search for the Podcast page and edit the page
In the content section click Edit with Page Builder click on the Top most Edit Html Code
The right way to add is the script should be added just after the closing of style (/style) tag. If you find already the script exist, you only need to update the content for the correct episode.
If you dont see the script already exist, then Copy the below content, edit for this episode, and Save the changes
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "PodcastSeries",
"image": "",
"url": "",
"name": "Nurse Podcast",
"description": "NurseDot is one of the best nursing podcasts available dedicated to providing nurses with resources, validation, and hope in their careers. Listen free today.",
"webFeed": "",
"contributor": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Cara Lunsford"
For adding Podcast Episode Markup:
Search for the Podcast Episode page and edit the page
In the content section click Edit with Page Builder click on the Top most Edit Html Code
Copy the below content and Save the changes
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "PodcastEpisode",
"url": "",
"name": "Episode 13: Love, Loss, and Resilience",
"timeRequired": "36 minutes",
"description": "On this podcast episode, Cara is joined by Yolanda Finter, a mother and caregiver for two of her children with cystic fibrosis. Listen now on",
"associatedMedia": {
"@type": "MediaObject",
"contentUrl": ""
"partOfSeries": {
"@type": "PodcastSeries",
"name": "Nurse Podcast",
"url": ""
Similarly we can do for other episode pages by updating the script accordingly.
More info on how to’s for schema markup -
Preview Changes
Preview your changes to ensure they were made correctly
To see Meta Description changes here, Inspect the page and look at the page source between the <head> tags.
Save & Publish
Be sure to Preview your changes before saving and publishing.
Go to OCL Approval & Publishing
Do all of your changes and previews for the day so you can do a mass save & publish action instead of individually doing each
Select the checkbox of the item(s) that you have edited. You can sort by your name under "modified by"
Once you have selected all of your changes with the checkbox selector, then go to the "Actions" drop down and change to "Approve", hit "ok"
The page will refresh and will say "Total # of records are approved". When you see this, check the boxes of the items you'd like to publish again, go to "Actions" drop down again and this time change to "Schedule for Publishing", hit "ok" (Don't publish any changes on a Friday. If making changes on a Friday make a note for yourself to Schedule for Publishing on the following Monday)
The page should refresh again and the "publish status" will say "in publish queue".
The changes will now be published that evening in the nightly auto push
Check back the next day on the live site to ensure that your changes were updated properly.
For items that you cannot update, please send a ticket to the UX team to implement. If they cannot implement, they will pass to engineering.
Updating the footer/header
Footer Updates:
For updates to the Nurse global footer, you’ll need to follow the following navigation to get to the editing block:
Content → Blocks (Under ‘Elements’) → Search “footer” → Nurse Footer Links
Select “Edit” under Actions
Scroll down and click on the code block
Hover over the hidden code block and select the gear icon next to “HTML code”
Make your update then click “Save”.
Follow the standard CMS publishing guidelines. If you have Publish On Demand access, you can push this live immediately. Otherwise it will need to be updated overnight.
Magento Walk Through