Endeca services - stopping, starting, check is active

System commands for Endeca services (Platform Services, Tools and Frameworks, CAS)

  1. log in to server running the Endeca services

  2. su to root

  3. run the system commands


  • to check the status of the services (active = service is running, inactive = service is not running):

    systemctl is-active endeca-platformservices.service systemctl is-active endeca-toolsandframeworks.service systemctl is-active endeca-cas.service


  • to start the services (start them in the order below):

    systemctl start endeca-platformservices.service systemctl start endeca-toolsandframeworks.service systemctl start endeca-cas.service


  • to stop the services (stop them in the order below):

    systemctl stop endeca-cas.service systemctl stop endeca-toolsandframeworks.service systemctl stop endeca-platformservices.service