Adding Recommended Courses on Browse Pages


Duplicate Default Browse Page Rule

Set Priority to 4, and save, it moves before the Default Browse Page of default Browse Page.


Update the name of the rule and define the location where it should apply (Ex: profession page)

Example: Physicians (URL:


Click Add under the location.

Scroll to professions under Available Refinements, and choose Physicians


Update spotlight records with the recommended courses.

These is an existing issue where Endeca is not able to retrieve previously set recommended courses, still we find the fix, we may have to update all the recommended courses if we want to update the list.

Note: So as explained above, please click ok for the error window.

Click Edit


Search for the course id, and click the checkbox, it would get added to the selected records. Continue till add all the recommended courses. Once all the courses are selected, please click ok.

The first added product will the first in the list of recommended courses. To change the order that can be done in the selected records tab. Change the number in the order, it should quickly update.

Click ok, Ignore the error, you should see the added recommended courses in the spotlight records section. Click Save and publish the project. And promote content.


Can verify the updated recommended courses on the browse page.