Partner UTM Tracking Process + Partner Naming Conventions
Partner UTM Purpose
Partner UTMs are used to measure and report on the efficacy of our partner campaigns and their contribution to revenue. All partner campaigns must include a partner UTM, regardless of tier or partner type, and follow Salesforce (SFDC) campaign naming conventions to ensure accurate reporting and tracking.
The Partner Marketing team is responsible for creating partner UTMs, both on request and for their own campaigns.
This documentation is to formalize the partner UTM naming conventions and how to create the UTM and associated SFDC campaign. This documentation does not cover how to request a partner UTM.
To request a partner UTM, follow the How to Request a Partner UTM process.
Partner UTM Naming Conventions - Active Partners
Partner Name | Partner UTM Name | Partner Level / Type | Prior UTM Name(s) |
National Council for Mental Wellbeing | partner-ncmw | Platinum / Growth | partner-natcon, partner-national-council, partner-ncmw, partner-ncbh, partner-nccbh |
ANCOR | partner-ancor | Platinum / Growth | partner-ancor |
McKesson | partner-mckesson | Platinum / Growth |
AWHONN | partner-awhonn | Content |
PointClickCare (PCC) | partner-pcc | Platinum / Growth |
AMCHP | partner-amchp | Gold / Growth |
Real Time Medical Systems (RTMS) | partner-rtms | Platinum / Growth |
Skillsoft | partner-skillsoft | Content |
American Hospital Association (AHA) | partner-aha | Gold / Sponsorship |
American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) | partner-appa | Gold / Growth |
Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) | partner-cwla | Gold / Growth |
Cognota | partner-cognota | Content | partner-synapse |
ContinuumCloud | partner-continuum-cloud | Silver / Growth | partner-continuumcloud |
Home Care Association of America (HCAOA) | partner-hcaoa | Gold / Growth |
Health Purchasing Services, Inc. (HPSI) | partner-hpsi | Platinum / Growth |
innovaTel | partner-innovatel | Gold / Growth |
UKG | partner-ukg | Integration |
National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) | partner-nahc | Gold / Growth |
National Rural Health Association (NRHA) | partner-nrha | Gold / Growth |
Open Minds | partner-openminds | Gold / Sponsorship |
Resuscitation Quality Improvement Partners (RQI) | partner-rqi | Gold / Growth |
The Arc | partner-thearc | Gold / Growth | Partner-the-arc |
The Joint Commission | partner-jointcomm | Gold / Sponsorship | Partner-tjc, partner-jointcommission |
Aging With Dignity (Five Wishes) | partner-fivewishes | Content |
American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) | partner-aaidd | Platinum / Growth |
American College of Health Care Administrators | partner-achca | Content |
American Jail Association (AJA) | partner-aja | Silver / Growth |
Arizona Council of Human Service Providers | partner-achsp | Silver / Growth |
Association for Community Living Agencies in Mental Health, Inc. | partner-acl | Silver / Growth |
BlackTree Healthcare Consulting | partner-blacktree | Silver / Growth | partner-simitree |
Bullhorn | partner-bullhorn | Integration |
Care Providers of Minnesota | partner-cpm | Silver / Growth | partner-cpmn |
Catholic Charities USA | partner-ccusa | Silver / Growth | partner-catholiccharities |
Center for Information Security Awareness | partner-cfisa | Content |
Community Behavioral Healthcare Association of Illinois | partner-cbha | Silver / Growth | partner-cbhai |
Community Mental Health Association of Michigan | partner-cmha | Silver / Growth | partner-cmhami |
CPS | partner-cps | Silver / Growth |
CT Association for Healthcare at Home | partner-cthch | Silver / Growth | Partner-ctahh |
CT Community Nonprofit Alliance | partner-ccpa | Silver / Growth |
Disability Service Provider Network | partner-dspn | Silver / Growth |
Elsevier | partner-elsevier | Integration |
Enclara Pharmacia | partner-enclara | Content |
Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC | partner-griffinhammis | Content |
HCPro | partner-hcpro | Content |
Health Care Association of New Jersey | partner-hcanj | Silver / Growth |
Health Facilities Association of Maryland | partner-hfam | Silver / Growth |
Health and Safety Institute | partner-hsi | Content |
Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN) | partner-icahn | Silver / Growth |
Indiana Health Care Association | partner-inhca | Silver / Growth | partner-indianahealth |
LaborEdge, LLC | partner-laboredge | Silver / Growth |
LeadingAge Indiana | partner-leadingagein | Green / Growth |
LeadingAge Kansas | partner-leadingageks | Green / Growth | partner-leadingagekansas, partner-laks, partner-laka |
LHC Group, Inc. | partner-lhcg | Content |
Lippincott / Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. | partner-lippincott | Content |
Magnet Culture | partner-magnetculture | Content |
Mary Ellen Copeland | partner-mec | Content |
MatrixCare | partner-matrixcare | Silver / Growth |
New Jersey Association of Community Providers, Inc. | partner-njacp | Silver / Sponsorship |
New York State of Health Facilities Association | partner-nyshfa | Silver / Growth |
North Carolina Community Health Center Association | partner-ncchca | Silver / Growth |
Palmetto Association for Children and Families | partner-pafcaf | Silver / Growth |
Quality Services for the Autism Community | partner-qsac | Silver / EComm |
Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association (RCPA) | partner-rcpa | Silver / Growth |
Positive Approach to Care | partner-teepasnow | Content |
Tennessee Association of Mental Health Organizations | partner-tamho | Silver / Growth |
The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) | partner-cql | Silver / Growth |
The Florida Coalition for Children | partner-fcc | Silver / Growth |
The George Washington University on Behalf of School of Medicine | partner-wgusm | Content |
Virginia Health Care Association (VHCA) | partner-vhca | Silver / Growth |
Weatherbee Resources, Inc. | partner-weatherbee | Content |
Workers’ Compensation Trust (WCT) | partner-wctrust | Silver / Growth | partner-wct |
New Mexico Health Care Association | partner-nmhca | Green / Growth |
South Dakota Healthcare Association | partner-sdhca | Green / Growth |
Alayacare | partner-alayacare | Integration |
Paycor | partner-paycor | Integration |
Partner UTM Process
The Partner Marketing team is responsible for creating partner UTMs and their associated SFDC campaigns.
SLA: Upon receiving a request, Partner Marketing will create and distribute the UTM within 2 business days.
To request a partner UTM, please follow the How to Request a Partner UTM process.
How to create partner UTMs and associated SFDC campaign:
Step 1: In SFDC, click ‘Campaigns’ and then ‘New’ in the top right corner. Select ‘Campaign - Marketing’.
Step 2: Fill out all the required fields to create the campaign, then click ‘Save’
Check “Active” – This MUST be checked or campaign won’t be visible in SFDC reporting/searches/etc.
Create the campaign name following SFDC and partner naming conventions
[VERTICAL] PM_RD [Partner Code] YY-MM [Campaign Name] [Campaign Type Code]
Example: [IDD] PM_RD RCPA 24-11 My Body My Choice WBN
Change ‘Status’ from ‘Planned’ to ‘In Progress’
Add the ‘Parent Campaign’ to tie to UTM to existing campaign.
Under ‘Type’, select ‘Email Marketing’.
Select applicable vertical(s). If vertical agnostic or all verticals, select 'REL'.
Add sub-vertical (if applicable)
Under ‘Partner Campaign Type', select the partner tier / level of the partner sharing the UTM.
Under ‘Focus’, select ‘Partner Marketing’.
Under ‘Asset Type’, select campaign type the UTM is promoting. Ex: webinar, e-book, guide, etc.
Under ‘Strategic Goal’, select the option most applicable to the campaign.
Under ‘Division’, select the relevant market size(s).
Step 3: After entering all relevant campaign information, double check to make sure all fields are correct. After reviewing, click ‘Save’. Example of what a SFDC partner campaign may look like:
Step 4: After saving the campaign, go back into the newly created partner campaign and paste the UTM string below into the ‘UTM tag’ section.
Example: ?utm_source=partner-partnername&utm_medium=link-share&utm_campaign=campaignidnumber
Once pasted, update the following sections with the accurate information:
Use the Partner Naming Convention table above to find the partner naming convention associated with the partner to update the ‘utm_source=partner-partnername’ section.
Ex: utm_source=partner-rcpa
Ex: utm_source=partner-ncmw
Update the ‘utm_campaign=campaignIDnumber section’ with the 18 Digital Campaign ID found in the newly created partner campaign.
The 18 Digital Campaign ID string should match what is in the utm_campaign=campaignIDnumber section of the UTM.
Step 5: Grab the gated link or URL that UTM will be attached to and copy into the ‘Description’ field in the newly created partner campaign. Then, copy the UTM from the ‘UTM Tag' section, including the question mark, and paste after the URL in the ‘Description’ field. Click ‘Save’.
Step 6: Share the full UTM link with the requestor or partner.
Partner UTM Naming Conventions - Inactive / Former Partners
Partner Name | Partner UTM Name | Partner Level / Type | Prior UTM Name(s) |
AMN Healthcare | partner-amnhc | Former Partner Status |
Accountable Healthcare Staffing, Inc. | partner-ahs | No longer partner 11/30/22 |
Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers | partner-aachc | Silver / Growth | partner- azachc |
Bluesky Medical Staffing Software | partner-bluesky | Nonrenewed 1/24/23 |
California Association of Health Facilities | partner-cahf | Partner Cancellation effective 10/12/23 |
Colorado Health Care Association | partner-chca | Green / Growth | Partner-cohealthcare |
Council on Accreditation | parnter-councilonaccred | Former Partner |
Florida Assisted Living Association | partner-flala | Former Partner | partner-fala |
Georgia Association for Primary Health Care | partner-gaprimaryhealth | Silver / Growth |
Healthcare Association of Michigan | partner-hami |
| partner-ham |
Heartland Health Alliance | partner-heartlandhealth | Former Partner we need to reengage? Expired contract, needs to resign | partner-hha |
Home Care, Hospice & Palliative Care Alliance of NH |
| Silver / Growth (Woundcare Only) |
Illinois Primary Health Care Association | partner-iphca | Silver / Growth |
Indiana Council of Community Mental Health Centers | partner-iccmhc | Former Partner 2021 |
Innovative Management Solutions New York (IMSNY) | partner-imsny | Silver / Growth |
Leading Age Iowa | partner-leadingageia | Former Partner 2021 |
Leading Age Texas | partner-leadingagetx | Silver / Growth | partner-latx |
Maryland Association of Resources for Families and Youth | partner-marf | Content | Partner-mary |
National Partnership for Juvenile Services | partner-npjs | Silver / Growth | terminated |
Ohio Association of Community Health Centers | partner-oachc | Silver / Growth | terminated |
Staffbridge | partner-staffbridge | Integration |
StafferLink | partner-stafferlink | Integration |
TargetRecruit | partner-targetrecruit | Integration |
The WA Institute for Mental Health Research and Training | partner-wimhrt | Content |
Vanderbilt Community Health Services | partner-vanderbilt | Inactive Partnership (need to terminate) |
Benchmarks | partner-benchmarks |
Accident Fund Holdings | partner-afh |
| partner-afhi |
California Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies | partner-casra | Silver / Growth |
Ohio Health Care Association | partner-ohca | Silver / Growth |
Revision History
Date: | Who: | Reason: |
11/27/2024 | Lauren Elliott (Partner Marketing) | Establish partner UTM naming conventions and creation process. |
1/21/2024 | Lauren Elliott (Partner Marketing) | Add AMCHP to naming convention |