How to Request a Partner UTM

How to Request a Partner UTM


Partner UTM Purpose

Partner UTMs are used to measure and report on the efficacy of our partner campaigns and their contribution to revenue. All partner campaigns must include a partner UTM, regardless of tier or partner type, and follow Salesforce (SFDC) campaign naming conventions to ensure accurate reporting and tracking.

The Partner Marketing team is responsible for creating partner UTMs, both on request and for their own campaigns.

This documentation is to formalize how to request a partner UTM from the Partner Marketing team. In addition to following the process, we recommend discussing how to leverage partners in promotional efforts prior to submitting your request to ensure it fits with the overall partner plan.


How to Request a Partner UTM

This is the official process for requesting a partner UTM from Partner Marketing. Once submitted with all required information, Partner Marketing will deliver the UTM within 2 business days.

Requesting a partner UTM does not go through the main JWM campaign form, it uses the Create button in the Customer / Partner Marketing project. We are working on incorporating partner UTM requests into other campaign types, however until finalized this is the current process.

Step 1: In Jira, navigate to the Customer / Partner Marketing project (MKPART).

Step 2: Click the ‘Create’ button in the main navigation.


Step 3: In the ‘Issue Type' field, select “Partner Custom Link’.


Step 4: Fill out the request details:

  • Summary - Title your request [Partner Name] | UTM for [Campaign Name]

  • Description - Most information is captured in the fields below, however any important information related to timing, reasons for the request, etc. should be shared here.

  • Vertical - Select the vertical.

  • Sub-vertical - Select sub-verticals, if applicable.

  • Parent - Select / type the Jira Campaign the UTM request goes with.

  • Partner Name - Enter the partner name.

  • Parent Campaign - Enter the SFDC parent campaign (either link or SFDC campaign name).

  • Partner Level - Enter the partner level. If you don’t know the partner level, leave blank.

  • Campaign ID - For B2B Growth, this is the GTM ID (if applicable--e.g., grc, sgt, nurse-jobs).

  • How is the link being promoted? - Select the promotional method the partner is using the share the UTM. This is used when creating the SFDC campaign and UTM.

  • Link to promote - Enter the gated link or URL the partner is promoting.

  • Collateral type - Select the type of campaign or collateral the partner is promoting. This is used when creating the SFDC campaign and UTM.

You do not need to fill out any fields after 'Collateral Type', including the date fields.

Do not change ‘Assignee’ from Automatic. Your request will automatically route and assign to the Partner Marketing team.

Do not add a start date, end date, requested date, or due date. The due date will automatically populate upon submission to the Partner Marketing tea,.

Once all request details are entered, click ‘Create’.


Step 5: Partner Marketing will receive your request and deliver the UTM within 2 business days. If you need a faster turnaround time, discuss with Partner Marketing prior to submitting your request and also include in the description field.

If you need to request multiple partner UTM links, you can either submit each request individually or copy an already submitted request and update the fields with the correct information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is requesting a partner custom link / UTM a different process than requesting a UTM for paid media or other efforts?

The task(s) for requesting partner custom links / UTMs were not originally included or as detailed in the original Jira rollout. During the Jira information gathering phase, Partner Marketing requested a special Issue type for creating partner custom links and it was embedded into our project, not the main campaign form.

We are working to automatically include as a task / epic in other campaign types to make the process easier, however until that is finalized this is the official process.

Can I create my own partner custom links / UTMs?

No, Partner Marketing creates partner custom links / UTMs to ensure accurate tracking and reporting on partner campaigns.

Can Email Ops create partner UTMs since they’re already creating other UTM links for my campaigns?

No, Partner Marketing creates partner custom links / UTMs to ensure accurate tracking and reporting on partner campaigns.

Why can’t I just submit one request for all my partner UTM links?

Separate requests allow us to track each partner’s marketing contribution more accurately. Each request will be tied to the partner marketing obligation audit, showing us which partners have promoted webinars, participated as SMEs, etc.

When will I receive my partner UTM?

You will receive your partner UTM within 2 business days of submitting your request.

Can I tag Partner Marketing in my Jira campaign ticket instead of creating a separate request?

No. A separate request helps us directly track and report on partner marketing obligation fulfillment.

What if I don’t have the final link needed for the partner UTM? Can I still submit the request?

Sure, you can still submit the request. However, we cannot finalize the UTM or SFDC campaign without the link. If you submit without the final link, it is your responsibility to add to the ticket when ready.

I have other questions. Who do I reach out to?

If you’re on the Demand Generation team, reach out to your DG Partner Liaison (Norm Devine) first. If they can’t answer your question, then either you or Norm can bring to the Partner Marketing team.

All other teams can reach out to Partner Marketing directly.

Revision History








Lauren Elliott (Partner Marketing)

Establish partner UTM request process


 Lauren Elliott (Partner Marketing)

Added how to request more than one partner link, adjusted language around the date fields, and updated FAQ.

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