How To: Create a Form Request in JWM

How To: Create a Form Request in JWM

Requestor should make sure all sidebar fields are filled out so we can properly complete your request.

The required sidebar fields and their descriptions/selection options are below:

  • Due date: this is the preferred date by which you would like to have the link (reminder: check Email SLAs to determine if your requested due date is viable!)

  • Vertical

  • Sub-vertical

  • Parent Campaign: what’s the Parent SFDC campaign associated with this activity?

  • Audience Focus: Prospect, Customer, Partner, Internal, or a combo of these

  • Campaign ID: This is for your GTM ID, if applicable, not your SFDC parent Campaign ID

  • Marketing Request Type: what asset type is this? Please select one (e.g., e-book, report, guide, etc.) – we need this to be able to appropriately classify your form in the SFDC campaign and on the form itself for attribution!

  • Form Type: Instapage resource, Instapage demo, Instapage event registration, Website resource – we need this info to be able to clone the correct form within Pardot!

  • Asset Start Date: Used in the SFDC child campaign for the form. This is the expected start/launch date of your event/resource/etc.

  • Asset End Date: Used in the SFDC child campaign for the form. If this is an event for example, the end date should be the date of the live event. If it’s an evergreen asset for which there is no end date, you can leave this blank.