Full B2B Webinar Request Process

Full B2B Webinar Request Process

Summary: This document offers a comprehensive overview of the B2B webinar request process. It includes instructions on how to place a webinar hold and submit a webinar request in JWM and outlines important timelines and deadlines. Additionally, it details all tasks involved in organizing webinars, specifies the service-level agreements (SLAs) for standard and existing (on-demand only) webinar requests, and addresses any extenuating circumstances.

How To: Place a Webinar Hold

This section provides a guide on how to place a webinar hold on the Webinar Planning Calendar in Outlook. This step must be completed before submitting the webinar request in Jira to ensure that the desired date and time are available on the calendar. If you do not have access to the calendar, please contact Stella Brooks at sbrooks@relias.com.  

  • Navigate to the "Webinar Planning Calendar" in Outlook. 

  • Select a day and time frame for the hold. 

    • For example, January 7, 2025, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. 

  • Title the calendar hold using the following naming convention: 

  • [WEBINAR HOLD] Vert: Short Description 

    • Example: [WEBINAR HOLD] PAC: This Month in PAC. 

  • Add yourself and Stella as participants to the invite so she receives a notification and can easily identify who created the hold. 

  • Make sure to click "Send" at the top left corner, and you're all set!


Standard Webinar Requests

This includes our Standard Live (real-time) and Simu-Live (pre-recorded) webinars that you would like hosted internally on the BigMarker platform.


  • 30 business days (6 business weeks) before the live webinar date:

  • 20 business days (4 business weeks) before the live webinar:

    • The Marketing Ops specialist will have the registration page ready for promotion.

      • Promotion should begin four weeks before the webinar start date to optimize the time needed for successful registration and attendance.

  • 10 business days (2 business weeks) before the live webinar:

    • DGM/CM/PM submits the audience resources and CTA details into the webinar project in JWM.

  • Audience Resources: The resources/handouts that attendees can access during the webinar.

  • CTA Details: (desired link, main text, and button text)

    • For CTA link: Specify which demo link to use. If you have questions, contact your Email Ops counterpart.

    • For CTA text: Recommended 100 characters or less for the main text; for the button text, 15 characters or less.

      • Below are examples of CTA main text and button text that are within these character limits, as well as a screenshot of the final CTA displayed in BigMarker;

      • Main CTA text: “Get Your Staff Prepared for the Dementia Care Shockwave”. OR “Get Mobile-First Training for Your Entire Staff from Relias”.


  • 3 business days before the live webinar: DGM/CM/PM uploads the final slide deck into the webinar project in JWM.

Please inform the speakers to submit their final slides to you at least 5 business days before the webinar (or more to ensure we don’t receive them at the last minute). This ensures branding review, error correction, slide availability, and ample rehearsal time for speakers, enhancing the attendee experience.

Note: To meet the launch timeline, deliverables must be received by 12 PM ET on the day of each required submission.


  • If you want to hold a live webinar on March 27, you must submit the request (with all deliverables) via JWM no later than February 13 at 12 PM ET. The webinar will be ready for promotion on February 27.

If DGM/CM/PM cannot supply all deliverables under the above agreed-upon timelines (assuming no extenuating circumstances that we previously discussed), then the webinar date or promotion date can be pushed out at the Event manager’s discretion.


Extenuating Circumstances

For matters related to holidays, PTO coverage, on-site meetings, or periods of short staffing, please reach out to the Marketing Operations Specialist if you anticipate needing an extension for your deadlines, wish to reschedule, or need to cancel anything. If you become aware of any issues that may impact the launch of your webinar, inform the Marketing Operations Specialist as soon as possible so we can discuss the next steps. Please do not wait until our weekly meeting to share this information; the sooner you inform us, the better.

How To: Submit Standard Webinar Request Type in JWM

This section will detail how to submit a standard webinar request in Jira. This includes our Standard Live (real-time) and Simu-Live (pre-recorded, whether new or previous webinar recording) webinars that you would like hosted internally on the BigMarker platform.

  1. Use the main marketing JWM form.

  • Select the appropriate initiative

  • Use the SFDC Parent Campaign Name as both the “Request Name” & “Salesforce Parent Campaign” (see below)

  1. Fill out the rest of the fields listed below;

  • Audience Type: B2B

    • The chosen Audience Type will determine where the requestor’s tasks go. Selecting multiple options will create duplicate tasks for all requestors.

  • Brand: Relias

  • Vertical

  • Sub-vertical

  • Campaign ID: This is for your GTM ID, if applicable, NOT your SFDC parent Campaign ID

  • Audience: Select the appropriate option(s)

  • Description: Add all required webinar deliverables here

Webinar Title:

Webinar Date/Time/Duration:

Parent Campaign: (link)

  • Ensure the following fields are filled out; Webinar Strategic Goals, Focus, Division, GMT ID, Partner Level (if applicable).

Should a registration link be posted on Relias.com? YES or NO

Is this a demonar? YES or NO

Is this a partner-hosted webinar? YES or NO

Will the presenter(s) want the registration/attendance data? YES or NO

  • This is important because depending on the answer, we will either utilize the normal registration page or the one with the opt-in message at the bottom.

    • Reference;


GTM ID: (If applicable, otherwise put N/A)

Registration Page Copy: link or full text

Speaker Details: Include the following for each speaker;

  • Headshot, bio, job title, company name, and contact email address

    • If their details are in the SME Database, confirm with the speaker that their information and headshot are current. Then, copy and paste the database link under the speaker details.

    • If their details are not in the SME Database, add all the items outlined above and then copy and paste the database link under speaker details.

    • Example record with all required SME details added: here

  • Attachment: The webinar image

    • The webinar image will be displayed on the Relias website and the BigMarker registration page.

    • You can use the Relias Image Library or, preferably, request an image from Creative when you need other items such as email banners/graphics. This helps avoid reusing the same images repeatedly and ensures that they are more meaningful and purposeful. 

  • Customer Marketing: Yes or No

  • Priority: Select P0 for standard priority. If higher priority is desired, select the appropriate level and include reasoning in the ticket.


  1. Check ONLY the “Webinar” box and select “1”. This will create all tasks associated with the standard webinar project type.

  1. Click “Create” to submit the webinar project request.

The webinar tasks include initial and post setup, an email invitation, a follow-up email, SEO review, an organic social post, a PPC link, custom links, and requester tasks.

  1. Assign Team Members to Their Tasks:

  • After submitting the request, the requestor must assign tasks to team members at the child level, as they cannot see MKHUB epics on their boards.

  • If certain tasks are unnecessary, do not assign them and mark them as “canceled.”

  • Unlabeled Child Issue

    • Requester (DGM/CM/PM) owns (MKHUB or MKPART). They are responsible for adding their own due dates.

  • Pre-Promotion Webinar Tasks

    • Events (Stella) owns (MKOPS). She is responsible for adding her own due dates.

  • SEO Review & Optimization

    • Digital Marketing (Pierce Brelinsky) owns (MKDM). Events (Stella) is responsible for adding a due date for this task.

  • Invite Email #1

    • Email Ops (assigned team member per vertical) owns (MKOPS). DGM/CM/PM is responsible for adding due date(s).

    • If you need more email invites, please clone this task to create additional ones.

  • Organic Social Post

    • Digital Marketing (Grayden Knoll) owns (MKDM). DGM/CM/PM is responsible for adding due date(s).

  • PPC Site Link

    • Digital Marketing (Parrish McLeod) owns (MKDM). DGM/CM/PM is responsible for adding due date(s).

  • Create Custom Links (MKPART)

    • Customer Marketing (Lauren Elliot) owns (MKPART). DGM/CM/PM is responsible for adding due date(s).

  • Create Custom Links (MKOPS)

    • Marketing Ops (Meaghan Kenney) owns (MKOPS). DGM/CM/PM is responsible for adding due date(s).

  • Pre-Webinar Tasks

    • Events (Stella) owns (MKOPS). She is responsible for adding her own due dates.

  • Day-Of Webinar Tasks

    • Events (Stella) owns (MKOPS). She is responsible for adding her own due dates.

  • Post-Webinar Tasks

    • Events (Stella) owns (MKOPS). She is responsible for adding her own due dates.

  • Follow-up Email #1

    • Email Ops (assigned team member per vertical) owns (MKOPS). DGM/CM/PM is responsible for adding due date(s).

    • If you need more email follow-ups, please clone this task to create additional ones.


Upon receiving the request, Stella will tag the requester in the main webinar epic to indicate whether the project is ready to start, whether any deliverables are missing, or whether there are any additional questions.

Existing Webinar Requests

This includes externally held webinars (for example, webinars hosted through a partner’s webinar platform) or internally held event sessions (for example, Impact Nation/ Impact Series) that you would like published to Relias.com and made available for on-demand viewing here.


  • 5 business days (1 business week) before the desired webinar publish date: DGM/CM/PM submits webinar request in Jira. Please refer to the section titled How To: Submit Existing Webinar Request Type in JWM” for full steps on this process, including the required deliverables.


  • If you want to publish the on-demand webinar on March 12. You must submit the ticket with all deliverables no later than March 5 at 12 PM ET.

If DG/CM/PM cannot supply all deliverables under the above agreed-upon timeline (assuming no extenuating circumstances that we previously discussed), then the webinar post date will need to be pushed out.

Extenuating Circumstances

When it comes to holidays/PTO coverage, on-site meetings, periods of short staffing, and so on, please get in touch with the Marketing Ops Specialist if you think you might need an extension for your deadlines, want to reschedule, or need to cancel something. As soon as you know about anything that might affect the launch of your webinar, please let the Marketing Ops Specialist know so we can talk about what to do. Don't wait until our meeting time to share this information - the sooner you tell us, the better.

How To: Submit Existing Webinar Request Type in JWM

This section will detail how to submit an existing webinar request in Jira. This includes externally held webinars (for example, webinars hosted through a partner’s webinar platform) or internally held event sessions (for example, Impact Nation/ Impact Series) that you would like published to the Relias website and made available for on-demand viewing here.

  1. Use the main marketing JWM form.

  • Select the appropriate initiative

  • Use the SFDC Parent Campaign Name as both the “Request Name” & “Salesforce Parent Campaign” (see below)

  1. Fill out the rest of the fields listed below;

  • Audience Type: B2B

    • The chosen Audience Type will determine where the requestor’s tasks go. Selecting multiple options will create duplicate tasks for all requestors.

  • Brand: Relias

  • Vertical

  • Sub-vertical

  • Campaign ID: This is for your GTM ID, if applicable, NOT your SFDC parent Campaign ID

  • Audience: Select the appropriate option(s)

  • Description: Add all required webinar deliverables here

Webinar Title:

Webinar Live Date (the date the live webinar was held):

Publish Date: (the date you would like the on-demand webinar published):

Webinar Gated or Ungated?

Parent Campaign Link:

  • Ensure the following fields are filled out; Webinar Strategic Goals, Focus, Division, GMT ID, Partner Level (if applicable).

Registration Page Copy: link or full text

Speaker Details: Include the following for each speaker;

  • Headshot, bio, job title, company name, and contact email address

    • If their details are in the SME Database, confirm with the speaker that their information and headshot are current. Then, copy and paste the database link under the speaker details.

    • If their details are not in the SME Database, add all the items outlined above and then copy and paste the database link under speaker details.

    • Example record with all required SME details added: here

  • Attachment: The webinar image, webinar slides (PPT file), and webinar recording (mp4 file).

    • The webinar image will be displayed on the Relias website.

  • Customer Marketing: Yes or No

  • Priority: Select P0 for standard priority. If higher priority is desired, select the appropriate level and include reasoning in the ticket.


  1. Check ONLY the “OnDemand (Existing Webinar)” box and select “1”. This will create all tasks associated with the existing webinar project type.

  1. Click “Create” to submit the webinar project request.

The webinar tasks include on-demand setup, SEO review, and SEO approval. If additional tasks are needed (such as email invites/ social promotion, the requestor will need to create them)

  1. Assign Team Members to Their Tasks:

  • After submitting the request, the requestor must assign tasks to team members at the child level, as they cannot see MKHUB epics on their boards.

  • If certain tasks are unnecessary, do not assign them and mark them as “canceled.”

  • Create Child Campaign(s)

    • Marketing Ops (Meaghan Kenney) owns (MKOPS). Events (Stella) is responsible for adding due date(s).

  • Create Pardot Form

    • Events (Stella) owns (MKOPS). She is responsible for adding her own due dates.

  • Create WordPress Page

    • Events (Stella) owns (MKOPS). She is responsible for adding her own due dates.

  • Add Recording and Slides

    • Events (Stella) owns (MKOPS). She is responsible for adding her own due dates.

  • SEO Review & Optimization

    • Digital Marketing (Pierce Brelinsky) owns (MKDM). Events (Stella) is responsible for adding a due date for this task.

  • Publish Webinar Page

    • Events (Stella) owns (MKOPS). She is responsible for adding her own due dates.

  • Review SEO and Approve Final Page

    • Requester (DGM/CM/PM) owns (MKHUB or MKPART). Events (Stella) is responsible for adding due date.

Upon receiving the request, Stella will tag the requester in the main webinar epic to indicate whether the project is ready to start, whether any deliverables are missing, or whether there are any additional questions.



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