How-To: Magento | Create a Discount Code on Nurse

Follow this guide if you want to create a discount code for promotional purposes on Magento platform.


  1. Log in to Magento 

  2. Select Marketing 

  1. Click Cart Price Rules under Promotions 

  1. Ensure that HealthCare is selected in the Websites field  

 5. Create the code and use parameters  

*Do not edit Uses per Coupon unless you only want to provide to a certain number of customers. This is the number of times a coupon can be used by ANYONE. Uses per Customer is the number of times a coupon can be used by a single customer. For example, if this is set to 1 – you will exhaust that 1 use when testing the coupon code. 


  1. Make sure that you are choosing the products in the Conditions drop down. (Not to be confused with Actions)    

  1. Instead of AND OR, Magento uses ANY and ALL. ANY = OR. AND = ALL.   

  1. In Actions, ensure your discount amount is specified and how you’d like it applied.   

  1. When you’re finished remember to SAVE! 

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