How to Submit a Live Webinar Project
This article explains how to submit a Live Webinar project. FYI, this document is a work in progress. As updates become available, they will be added to the documentation and all necessary teams will be informed.
Use the main marketing JWM form here to submit a webinar project.
ONLY Select Webinar. This request already includes 2 email invitations, an SEO review, 1 Organic Social Post, 1 Paid Social post, and 1 PPC Sitelink (along with the Marketing Ops and DG/CM/PM tasks).
Please note that we will be submitting a request to the Helpdesk to automatically include 1 additional email invite and 2 follow-ups. Stay tuned for more information. In the meantime, you will need to manually add them to the Webinar project/epic. See the video below for how to do this.
Once the project has been submitted find it and click into the Webinar epic. Scroll down until you see all the Child issues associated with the project.
At this point, you will need to assign everyone their tasks and include some additional text at the end of ALL tasks (including your own).
Please follow this naming convention; [Task Name] - [VERT] [Portion of title] WBN [Due Date (where applicable; example, email invites)]
Example (non email task): Webinar Planning Tasks - ACU Portion of Title WBN
Example (email task): Be sure to add the invite number for clarity and due date at the end.
Email Invitation 4 - ACU Portion of Title WBN 24-10-10
Below I have listed the child issues along with the team or person responsible for completing them and who should be adding due dates for which tasks.
Email Marketing Tasks - Your Email Ops Person:
Email Invitation(s)
DG/CM/PM to add due dates for these tasks!
If you need to create additional email invite tasks for Email Ops, please view this video on how to do this.
FYI this will hopefully be a temporary step. The goal is to add more email invites + follow ups automatically when a project is created. We are submitting a request to IT soon that will address this issue and others.
Social Media Marketing Tasks - Grayden Knoll:
Webinar - Organic Social Post
Webinar- Paid Social
Grayden to add his own due dates unless DG/PM/CM needs them completed on a specific date, in which case, they will need to include.
DG/CM/PM Tasks:
Email Invitations (this task is for creating the email copy) the one associated with MKDGCH;
Webinar Planning Tasks
Registration Page
Webinar Promotion Tasks
Send initial stakeholder communication
Webinar Followup Tasks
Approve Final Reg Page Copy
Provide Webinar Resources
Include your own due dates for the tasks in blue
Marketing Ops will add due dates for the rest of the tasks
FYI you need to be updating your task statuses “To Do”, “In Progress”, “Done” so everyone knows where we are at in the project.
Marketing Ops Tasks - Stella Brooks:
Pre-Webinar Tasks
Day-of Webinar Tasks
Post-Webinar Tasks
Stella will add due dates for these tasks.
Digital Marketing Tasks:
Webinar - PPC Sitelink (Parrish McLeod)
If not needed DG/CM/PM to cancel task. If needed, DG/CM/PM to provide due date for task.
Webinar - SEO Review and Optimization (Pierce Brelinsky)
Stella will add due date for this task.
Looking to add two additional tasks for link promotions (partner specific links/ MKPART Hub) and one task for non partner links (MKOPS Hub).