Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

*Instapages are for conversion-focused campaigns where the user is asked to perform one action. OR where a website page cannot be used for a campaign, such as in Customer Marketing initiatives.


A goal must be identified for the Instapage in the campaign planning process. The goal of the page will determine the template chosen.

Table of Contents


  • Campaign owners should consider Instapages as part of their campaign plans, and as such, they should be included on the campaign calendar with a corresponding launch date.

  • Messaging on the page should align with campaign plans and all creative assets used to promote Instapage (including digital ads, emails, etc.).

  • To request email, digital ads, etc. to promote Instapage, follow Airtable submission process and SLAs.


A goal must be identified for the Instapage in the campaign planning process. The goal of the page will determine the template you choose.

Step 2: Draft Instapage

  • Timeline: 14 days before the campaign launch

  • Campaign owner [Demand Generation/Customer Marketing/Partner Marketing] drafts Instapage using pre-approved templates listed above.

    • Draft should include landing page copy, links, CTAs/buttons, images, form placement, etc.

    • Any changes to the design on a template must be reviewed and approved by the B2C UX team. Three business days should be added to the SLA. To get changes reviewed and approved, submit a Jira ticket here

    • The Campaign Owner checklist is completed, except for Publishing.


  • Timeline: 12 days before launch

  • Campaign owners are responsible for obtaining Instapage copy review and feedback from relevant stakeholders [Content Marketing/Product Marketing/Solutions Group/etc.] if needed.

  • Send the Instapage comment link via email, ask stakeholders to provide feedback within two business days, and leave all comments directly on the Instapage.

  • Stakeholders cannot leave feedback if you don’t give the comment link.


Step 4: Create SFDC Parent Campaign


and Submit QA Request Form

  • Timeline: 7 days before launch

  • Create parent campaign for Instapage in salesforce to include in your QA ticket.

  • Campaign owner submits "Pardot Form & Instapage QA" Airtable Ticket for Email/Lead OpsDigital.

    • In the ticket, include the following (copy and paste list below, modify as needed):

      • Your form needs: type of form (asset download vs demo request), Type of form needed - Gated Asset Download or Demo Request

      • Whether it’s Any additional form fields beyond standard fields, form title, button CTA, and any form color changes

      • Title that appears on the form

      • The button CTA text - ex: Get Started, Download Now, Contact Us, etc.

      • Instapage preview/comment link for Email Ops team to review for grammar, formatting, brand style guide, etc. Email Ops will leave comments for the campaign owners to review and edit.

      • Campaign owner needs to specify which links need utms. By default, demo links will receive utms, however the demo link needs to be on the page when submitting page for review.

Insert ideal ticket submission

      • .

      • Additional UTMs needed.

        • By default, any Demo link on an Instapage (a link going from Instapage to the demo page) should use the following utms:

          • “utm_source=instapage&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=[18 digit ID]


This is what an ideal ticket submission might look like:


Step 5: Email Ops and Digital Teams QA Review


  • Timeline: 2 days before launch

  • Campaign owner edits Instapage with corrections and adjustments from QA.


Check that Desktop changes are being carried over to the Mobile view. Most often, but not always, the mobile view will update with changes made on the desktop side.

  • Campaign owner updates the HTML / Instapage iframe with new Pardot form.

  • Campaign owner tests the form submission on live page, using test utmsUTMs, to verify utm UTM capture on the Pardot forms is working and leads are added to campaigns as expected.

  • Second QA review is not needed


Step 8: Post-Launch Action Items Optimize/Deactivate Instapage

  • Campaign owner is responsible for unpublishing/optimizing the page as necessaryRecommended that campaign owner


Campaign owner should review active Instapages every 3 months to optimize or unpublish. Frequency of Instapage reviews may depend on campaign feedback, results, change in direction, etc.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What if I don’t want to use the templates provided?

    1. You must use a pre-approved template or adjust your workflow to include the UX team to create a new template for your purposes.

  2. Does every Instapage need to go through QA?

    1. All new Instapages need to go through QA and anytime content is changed on an Instapage, it must go through the QA process.

  3. Can I customize the fields on Pardot forms?

    1. It depends. We can add or remove fields, rename them, etc, you just need to ensure the iframe is large enough to display all fields on the form

  4. If I update my Instapage after launch, does it need to go through QA again?

    1. It depends. If you change content, it should be reviewed by a second individual. If the changes after publishing are minor, such as spacing adjustments or changing a resource link, it does not need another QA but the Campaign Owner checklist should be followed again.

  5. What if I want to co-brand my Instapage with a Partner or SME?

    1. We have templates which show the Relias logo juxtaposed with a partner or ABM target logo. These are saved as global blocks using “LP Header” in the name


Last Updated: 2/27/2024