How To Request a Content Asset in JWM

How To Request a Content Asset in JWM

This article explains how to create a Content Asset request for the Content Marketing team and what additional tasks are created with this request.

  1. Use the main marketing JWM form here

    1. Use the SFDC Parent Campaign Name as both the Request Name & Salesforce Parent Campaign below


The chosen Audience Type will determine where the Reporter’s tasks go. Selecting multiple options (ex: Prospects and Customers) will create duplicate tasks for all requestors.

Select the content asset you are requesting from the list:


Included Tasks in E-Book, Survey Report, and Research Brief:

  • MKCREAT - Creative for the e-book and all corresponding digital/social ads, email banners, and web images.

  • MKOPS - 1 email task (can be CLONED if more are needed)

  • MKDM - Organic Social Post, SEO Review

  • MKDGCH - tasks for writing email and digital ad copy. Task for wrap-up activities.

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