Relias Acronyms

Relias Acronyms

2FA - Two Factor Authentication

ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis

ACCME - Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education 

ACU - Ambulatory Care Unit

ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act

ADB2C - Azure Business Directory Business to Consumer 

ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

AGI - Artificial Generative Intelligence

AI - Artificial Intelligence

ANCC - American Nursing Credentialing Center 

AP - Accounts Payable

API - Application Programming Interface 

AR - Augmented Reality 

ARR - Annual Recurring Revenue

ATS - Applicant Tracking System

AWS - Amazon Web Services

B2B - Business to Business 

B2C - Business to Consumer 

BAA - Business Associate Agreement 

BACB - Behavior Analyst Certification Board 

BCBA - Board Certified Behavior Analyst 

BCH - Behavioral Community Health (Updated reference to HHS)

BH - Behavioral Health 

BHAG - Big Hairy Audacious Goal (Spoken as the word “Beehag”)

BI - Business Intelligence 

CAB - Customer Advisory Board (Spoken as the word, “Cab”)

CAC - Customer Acquisition Cost (Spoken as the word “Cack”)

CASE - Communication and Aligning Survey Efforts (Spoken as the word “Case”)

CBC - Corporate Boot Camp 

CCBC - Client Care Boot Camp 

CDP - Customer Data Platforms 

CE - Continuing Education (Continuing Education Credit) 

CEU - Continuing Education Unit

CI/CD - Continuous Improvement/Continuous Delivery

CINNAA - Confidentiality, Invention Assignment, Non-Solicit, Non-Compete, and Arbitration Agreement (Spoken as the word “Sinna”)

CLTV - Customer Lifetime Value

CM - Compliance Management 

CME - Continuing Medical Education 

CMS - Content Management System 

CNA - Certified Nursing Assistant 

CNE - Continuing Nursing Education

CNE - Certified Nurse Educator

COB - Close of Business

COE - Center of Excellence 

COTA - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant

CR - Conversion Rate

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

CRO - Conversion Rate Optimization 

CSAT - Customer Satisfaction Survey (Spoken as the word “Seesat”)

CSM - Client Success Manager 

CSS - Cascading Style Sheet

CTA - Call to Action

CTR - Click Through Rate

CX - Customer Experience

D&A - Data and Analytics 

DAU - Daily Active Users

DCME - Distance Continuing Medical Education 

DD - (Relias) Deal Desk 

DEI - Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion 

DM - Delivery Manager / Delivery Management 

DNS - Domain Name System

DOD - Definition of Done

DOM - Document Object Model (Spoken as the word “Dom”)

DSP - Data Services Platform  

DSP - Direct Support Professional 

EBITDA - Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization (Spoken as the word “Ebitah”)

DSP - Demand Side Platform

ECFR / eCFR / CFR - Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

ED - Emergency Department 

EMR - Electronic Medical Records 

EOD - End of Day

EOL - End of Life (Product End of Life)

ERG - Employee Resource Groups

ET - (Relias) Executive Team

FM - Foundation Model

FOMO - Fear of Missing Out (Spoken as the word "Fomo")

FWIW - For What it's Worth

FY - Fiscal Year 

GA - Google Analytics

GC - General Counsel

GenAI - Generative Artificial Intelligence

GPT - Generative Pre-Trained Transformer

GRC - Government Regulatory & Compliance 

GTM - Go to Market

GUI / GUID - Global User Identification (Spoken as the word “Gooey” of “Gooid”) 

GUI - Graphic User Interface (Spoken as the word “Gooey”)

HBR - Half-Year Business Review 

HC - Home Care 

HCI - Human Computer Interaction

HH - Home Health 

HHS - Health and Human Services 

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Spoken as the word “Gooey”) “Hippah”)

HRIS - Human Resources Integration System 

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

IA - Information Architecture 

IDD - Intellectual and Development Disabilities 

IDK - I Don't Know

ILE - Integrated Learner Environment 

IN - Impact Nation 

IP - Intellectual Property

IP - Internet Protocol

ISR - Internal Service Request 

JIC - Just in Case

JS - Java Script

JSON - JavaScript Object Notation (Spoken as the word “Jayson”)

KBR - Knowledge-Based Authentication

KISS - Keep it Simple, Stupid (Spoken as the word “Kiss”)

KPI - Key Performance Indicator 

KR - Key Results

KSA - Knowledge, Skills, Abilities

LHN / LN - Left Hand Navigation

LLM - Large Language Model

LMK - Let Me Know

LMS - Learning Management System 

LTV - (Customer) Life Time Value

LXP - Learning Experience Platform 

MAU - Monthly Active Users

MDR - Market Driven Request 

MEC - Medical Education Company

MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication

MG - (Relias) Management Group

MIT - Marketing Intelligence

ML - Machine Learning

MO - Method of Operation

MSFT - Microsoft 

MVP - Minimum Viable Product

NCLEX / NCLEX-RN - National Council Licensure Examination [for] Registered Nurses  (Frequently heard as the word “Enclecks”)

NLP - Natural Language Processing

NNW - National Nurse's Week

NP - Nurse Practitioner 

NPS - Net Promoter Score 

NRR - Net Revenue Retention 

OB - Obstetrics 

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

OKR - Objectives and Key Results 

OOO - Out of Office

OSHA - Occupational Health and Safety Administration  (Spoken as the word “Osha”)

OT - Occupational Therapy

PAC - Post Acute Care (Spoken as the word “Pack”)

PLR - Product Line Readout 

PM - Product Management / Product Manager 

PMLT - (Relias) Product Management Leadership Team

PO - Product Owner

POC - Person of Color 

POC - Proof of Concept 

POTG - Pro on the Go 

PPC - Pay Per Click 

PS - Professional Services 

PT - Physical Therapy 

PTO - Paid Time Off

Q - Quarter 

QA - Quality Assurance 

QC - Quality Control

RACI - Responsible / Accountable / Consulted / Informed (Spoken as the word “Racy”)

RBT - Registered Behavior Technician

RICE - Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort (Spoken as the word “Rice”)

RFP - Request for Proposal

RKO - Relias Kick Off (Formerly SKO/Sales Kick Off)

RLMS - Relias Learning Management System, AKA “The Platform” 

RLP - Relias Live Platform 

RN - Registered Nurse 

ROAS - Return on Ad Spend (Spoken as the word, “Rowas”)

ROI - Return on Investment

ROM - Rest of Market

RTS - Rehab Therapy Services 

SaaS - Software as a Service (Spoken as the word “Sass”)

SAM - Serviceable Addressable Market 

SCORM - Sharable Content Object Reference Model (Spoken as the word “Skorm”)

SEO - Search Engine Optimization 

SF - Salesforce 

SKO - Sales Kick Off 

SLA - Service Level Agreement

SLT - (Relias) Senior Leadership Team

SM - Scrum Master 

SMB - Small to Medium-Sized Business

SME - Subject Matter Expert (Spoken as the word “Smee” or “S. M. E.”)

SMS - Short Message Service (Text Messages)

SNF - Skilled Nursing Facility 

SOA - Service Oriented Architecture

SOHC - State of Health Care 

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

SOW - Scope of Work

SOW - Statement of Work

SSO - Single Sign On 

SUS - System Usability Scale / System Usability Score

SVPG - Silicon Valley Product Group 

TAM - Total Addressable Market 

TLD - Top Level Domain

TLDR - Too Long, Didn't Read

TOS - Terms of Service

UAT - User Acceptance Testing

UI - User Interface 

USP - Unique Selling Proposition

UX - User Experience 

UXD - User Experience Design

UXR - User Experience Research

VDD - Vendor Deal Desk 

VOC - Voice of Customer 

VPN - Virtual Private Network

VR - Virtual Reality 

W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

WC - Wound Care 

WCAG - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Spoken as the word "Double Yoo Cag”)

WCEI - Wound Care Education Institute 

WIP - Work in Progress

WIT - Women in Tech 

WOM - Word of Mouth

WOPI - Web Application Open Platform Interface (Spoken as the word “Woppy”)

WOW - Wild On Wounds 

WYSIWYG - What You See is What You Get (Spoken as the word “Wizzywig”)

Y - Year

YTD - Year to Date 

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