Evergreen Partner/Influencer Onboarding Process

  1. The decision to compensate partners through the Meltwater or Relias invoicing is up to the discretion of the Communities Team.

  2. All correspondence occurs via email.

  3. Partner/Influencer is submitted to Logic Gate, set category as Independent contractor influencer/ambassador.

    • Upload un-signed Influencer Agreement and SOW for Relias teams to reference as relevant legal documents.

    • If influencer is conducting the work, but payment is being sent to the influencer's agency (ex – Katie Duke & Creator Collective) then the agency needs to sign the ‘Influencer Representation Agreement’. Update relevant red fields in the document and then upload un-signed to LogicGate.

    • Upon LogicGate approval, legal will share a signed copy of all documents for you to give to the influencer for counter signature.

  4. Signed contracts are uploaded to B2C Community Contracts

  5. Contractor sends invoices directly to the AP team and is paid in the normal pay run schedule.

  6. Tax documents distributed by Relias at the end of year