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Meeting overview

This will be a (somewhat) informal weekly check in for the Delivery Manager, Engineering Managers, Product Managers & Directors of the Super Nurse & CE Admin Migration projects. We’ll use this time to ensure we’re aligned on the goals and prioritizations as a whole, and on a Sprint-by-Sprint basis.

✅ Open action items

📝 Meeting minutes




Notes, decisions and action items


Communication gaps:

  • SN Teams & Clearly Undefined → need to know what the others are working on so we’re all on the same page

  • Marketing makes updates in CMS and doesn’t always tell us

  • We get bug tickets sometimes when QA/Staging doesn’t meet Prod

    • Can we set up a monthly sync to get these all updated to match?

Post-launch post mortem/retro:

  • I (Alyssa) want to set up time with folks to go through the project as a whole and figure out what we did well/could do better next time

  • Same for the actual releases the last couple weeks


Did not have a meeting because of the war room meeting this morning and the others this week


Super Nurse - Priority Check In

  • Sprint schedule/planning updates post-launch

  • Extend current Sprint & planning for next week

Other issues:

  1. VPN issues - literally having disconnects every 5 minutes for yeary today - suspected cause is not enough licenses ✅

  2. Request for Yeary to be able to help Aaron/Christian on importer work

  3. Job board admin end to end:

    1. Lysle needs to validate adding orgs, adding slots

    2. For launch we need to create the feed customers to migrate with slots - Aaron needs the org ID

    3. There’s a chance that production DB needs to be wiped so we don't want to do this too early

    4. Action item: Sean will do quick script to create manually - Lysle to provide list to him

  4. Aaron needs a user created for his staging org - Raymond /Lysle should be able to do this - we will check

  • Alyssa to update SP series & schedule a one-off for next week
    • Series updated to every 2 weeks starting on 10/4
    • Current Sprint (18) updated to end on Friday 9/15
    • New Sprint (19) will start on Monday 9/18 and end on Tuesday 10/3
  • Reach out to InfoSec about OpenVPN constantly booting people
    • Alyssa & Ashley spoke to Jordan Watson and he mentioned that there’s hesitation on adding more licenses
    • He directed us to chat with Lee Carter & Wes Vaux - Adam is reaching out to them & Gabe Serbulea
  • Ashley will work on getting Yeary access once we know exactly what he needs
  • Sean will do quick script to create manually - Lysle to provide list to him
  • Aaron needs a user created for his staging org


Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

  • Outstanding Magento questions: ✅

    • Note from Brianna Collins in SUP-747: Magento is continuing to regress - Jay, Matt, and Christian are looking into it with the goal of getting it resolved today

    • Devesh and Cesar should be involved in this thread along with Pankaj and Katie - do we have an update on this convo from this morning?

    • Other related tickets: SUP-885, SUP-752, SUP-639 & PAP-7865

    • New ticket for QA API issues is PAP-8108

  • Sprint review reschedule ✅

  • Craft deployment✅

  • Cypress✅

  • Zaengle plans✅

  • Internal prod- this is confirmed set up /deployment successful now or not until release tomorrow? Where do we access? ✅

  • Data Migration efforts- what are next steps here? We have scheduled data mapping tomorrow- what are we needing to accomplish in this call specifically? ✅

  • Release planning- we need to determine the deployment windown and expected downtime so I can coordinate user messaging with ops. ✅

  • Plans for decision points on critical items that wont make code freeze- what is our decision tree path here to ensure alignment on if we need to pivot release plans ?✅

  • Review the retro above if we haven’t already
    • Jenn’s (heart) is happy to see the goal, teamwork & communication improvement
    • She’s thankful for everyone’s work (smile)
  • Remaining work for Magento / related work for CE Admin migration (so soon!!)
    • Isaac’s PR should have resolved the issues Jay & Devesh were seeing
      • Jay tested on QA and said this is working now
    • The other convo is related to V2, but per Raymond Sidharta we don’t necessarily need that for MVP-1
    • Chris/Sean/James should be able to help Cesar’s issues re: Firebase
    • Session issue may still happen until James' work is complete
  • Remaining Magento testing will be done in Staging post-CE Admin Migration
    • Do we want to test in QA or wait until Friday
  • Alyssa to move:
    • Sprint Retro 11-12 on Friday
      • Super Nurse Shared Retros
      • Team will review 9/5 Retro & determine new action items since this was async
      • Group discussion as code freeze is being implemented Thursday evening & staging deployment starts Friday morning
    • Sprint Review to 1-4 PM on Friday
    • Extend DSU to 30 mins for remainder of the week - 9-9:30 Blue Dot & 9:30-10 Krypton
  • Lysle Baker (Deactivated) to add notes re: Internal Prod
    • Can/where do we access - Christian will have more info by then
  • Data Migration - meeting tomorrow “Data Mapping Review”
  • If there’s anything remaining for Katie & the CE Admin Migration, send it ASAP!
  • Craft Deployments - Where will we do them for now
    • Include Patrick & Tom in conversations to ensure we have the best plan
    • If you’re not included in the initial invite, reach out to Ashley
  • Cypress = testing tool
    • Is this the best tool to use? What other options do we have? Make sure to discuss with Devs
    • Jenn wants to include Shawn Barber in this conversation to have consistency across the business and discuss if this needs to be a short-term solution if necessary
    • Even though Chris has written code for Selenium, it’s not as stable as we need in the future
    • Ashley to sync with Zach tomorrow (may need to loop in James)
  • Zaengle plans
  • Christian completed backend changes this morning and Aaron & Yearly are testing integration on Staging as we speak


Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

  • App Support Enablement for Job Board (convo from call with Joel):

    • Prod accounts for in order to replicate issues

    • Access to Prod data: Either real-time read only or yesterday replication like SQL internal

    • Training:

      • I think Svante may be able to help with the UI - he's the Client Care SME for Nurse

      • Explanation of data - schema, frequent tables, interaction with UI, access, repos, etc.

    • I'll reach out to the leadership group first with this info, and I'll probably set up a call with me, you (or Mike), Ashley, Matt & Jordan

  • Internal release schedule (Ashley)

    • Sean doing at-will deployments of the BE as needed with no breaking changes

    • FE deployments will be scheduled with ECM

      • Will plan for 9/12, 9/15, 9/19

      • Proposed that the final deployment to prod will be 9/19

  • Production Magento connection (Ashley)

    • Would break auth for current users when switch over occurs

  • Data Migration update (Ashley, Adam)

    • Lysle/Katie working on messaging to customers after data migration

  • Where devs should focus their time once they’re done with tickets and can’t help with other sprint work (Ashley)

    • Paired programming to help everyone get their committed work completed (senior specifically)

    • Reach out to devs to see if work can be split

    • Reach out to QA to help with sprint testing

    • Internal Prod hardening

    • Data verification after migration has begun

    • Pre-refinement of Talent Match work (Yeary-specific, maybe hold on this until code freeze)

  • Iterable discussion (Sean)

    • Mail-gun – least amount of work

    • Link the email rather than attach

      • Will need to set up invitation and system-generated emails. Mail-gun would be more secure for this

    • Bri, Lysle, and Sean to consider discussing

  • Segment tickets/last-minute scope (Ashley)

  • Most recent fist-to-five & retro notes - look at all those 4’s 🥲
  • Can someone please take care of the Atlas updates for me tomorrow? Thank you!!
  • Alyssa: Set up a call with Mike (App Support), Ashley, Sean, Matt & Jordan - and Justin and someone from InfoSec maybe?
    • Will get them access to Relias Admin dashboard so they can interact with all internal fuctions
    • Will need a longer discussion/plan – after launch
  • Structure(ish) for “What do I work on next?”
    • Kanban board shows everything for both teams (MVP-1 filter applied)
    • Do we have devs/testers share those tickets across teams if they feel comfortable working on them?
  • Ashley to schedule a deployment for afternoon of 9/15
  • Surya to reach out to Pankaj to make sure there are no outstanding considerations with Prod Magento connection


Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

  • Reschedule Sprint Review, Planning & Retros

    • We had talked about taking up most of the day on Wednesdays (every other starting 8/30)

    • Suggestion is 9:30-10:30 Review, 10:30-12 Retro, 1-2:30 (or 3) Planning

  • Streamline dependencies/priority conversations across teams:

    • Convo in leadership channel then shared with team-supernurse?

    • Specific dependencies channel?

    • What works best to ensure work is done & prioritized, but also sounding the alarm as needed

  • Pre-planning discussions for Quarterly planning (dates TBD based)

  • Plan to follow up discussions with Justin on release planning/ECM & webscale. when should we set this for this week? also I do need to get back on estimated down time asap to internal teams so would like to get a final estimate on this as soon as we can (1 hour, 2-4? more than 4..I don’t think so but need some kind of estimate)

  • Alyssa to send updated review, planning & retro invites
  • Determine next steps on how to “hit pause”:
    • Who can work on outstanding bugs and attempt to squash those and finish them before continuing on with new functionality (need these to be accurate for testing)
    • Need to divide & conquer and have some folks focus on new functionality vs bugs only
  • Additional scope re: CE Admin Migration:
    • Branden or Diep to write script to transform data after launch so CE Admin matches license data format the RLMS will accept


Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

  • Ashley Edds with updates from conversation with ECM about the following

    • New environment

    • Scheduled release cadence

    • Webscale meetings

  • Once we’re ready to QA from Stage to Prod (no rush on this answer):

    • Will we have individual columns for each status between all 3 environments (this feels v overwhelming) or will we have 3 separate boards to monitor

  • Alyssa: I want to review the updated Kanban board (mostly for discussions with Adam on process/suggestions) for progress on the project & helping with tickets that roll over multiple Sprints (doc will be attached shortly)
  • Alyssa: Cancel current ceremonies:
    • Starting with Super Nurse Retro tomorrow, future Retros, Planning & Sprint Review for now
  • I believe we’ll keep Refinement as is since we have that every week?
  • Per chats with Adam Polasek:
    • Krypton Refinement has moved from 11-12 to 1-2
    • We’re going to schedule Review > Retro > Planning on Wednesdays - these are probably going to be pretty long days at first (5-6 hours potentially), but should die down over time


Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

  • Do we have a Confluence page with final functionality required for go-live so we can review the Backlog & all outstanding tickets ASAP?

    • Where are we in documenting bugs found as part of the critical features for go live? What help is needed for this process?

      • Smoke testing plan for MVP features. Product will be doing daily and logging bugs we find and reviewing priority and scope with managers/leads and surface priority in channels/ DSUs <?>

    • Alyssa created a filter to track all open bugs across the Super Nurse project

      • You can see that the filter excludes closed/archived tickets and is ordered by most recent date

      • Reminder: If the Product Team is not added to the ticket it will not show in the Backlog - this needs to be default for everyone going forward

      • We should consider creating a specific fix version for critical go-live bugs (to be worked on during code freeze) - discuss with Ashley Edds

    • Bri was initially tracking issues in QA in this Confluence page, but it hasn’t been updated since June - I’m not sure if they’re being tracked elsewhere: /wiki/spaces/JBM/pages/3340042399

  • EMs completed first pass of release items on spreadsheet – we can review plan for data migration, site switch over, and testing.

  • IDP4 Upgrade Scheduled for 9/7 - Testing Plan for All Retail Sites (including for CE Admin migration)

  • Mediakit subdomain change: Plan to change mediakit subdomain to nurse domain and set url redirects SYS-4706 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Bug prioritizations

  • Discuss notes in this ticket (if we have time - this can be taken offline!):

    SUP-320 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Final functionality requirements:

Testing plan established for IDP4 integration:

  • Surya Bhatt (Deactivated) to reach out/setup call with Joel & others to address concerns, confirm impact, next steps, test plan, etc.
    • What if IDP4 testing fails:
      • What do we do? What impact does it have on us?
    • Preferred to not push our date - can we push the IDP release instead?
    • What problems could we encounter - need to confirm for accurate testing
  • Lakshmi Kondragunta is running tests to see how this can affect our projects on Academy & Katie Lucas Surya Bhatt (Deactivated) are working with Radicle team to test in Dev for CE Admin migration - details to be shared once testing is complete (should be a day or two)
    • Can’t test Znode until it’s on Staging
    • Super Nurse shouldn’t use it, but SUB & CE Admin does, do if we can confirm those aren’t affected, then it doesn’t matter to SUP on timing
    • If old IDP is breaking with the new, we need to regroup and determine who needs to go when
  • What is remediation/rollback plan?
    • Teams channel with visibility to CHM release plan - make sure everyone is involved

Mediakit Domain:

Communication changes:

  • Should we create a Slack channel in the Ecomm instance with Joel (and whoever else from App Support is directly involved - I believe it’s Kat?) and the rest of the leadership groups so there’s full visibility across the board
  • As Platform & Communities continue to integrate more, we’re going to have to have more direct communication on potential impacts across projects/environments
    • Is there a standard way to share this information across the teams via DM?
    • Share expected release dates during QP (if known) for visibility - add to QP board
    • Bug specifications in tickets ( SUP-786 - Getting issue details... STATUS as example)
      • Steps to reproduce, actual result, expected result, user impact, technical assessment
      • All but technical assessment can likely be filled out by PM
      • James Tharpe & PM to share bug ticket suggestions during Technical Roadshow on Thursday
    • All Devs: NEED to ensure full testing is done before PR’s submitted & merged if there are updates to global/shared components

Prioritization Requests from Lysle Baker (Deactivated) since Bri is out:


War Room

Overall project health - Alyssa to share fist-to-five/Retro notes

Team TBD updates- stories of concern/looking forward 2 sprints ahead to code freeze

Team Krypton updates- stories of concern/looking forward 2 sprints ahead to code freeze

Rollover decisions from yesterday:

  • Determine what needs to be done so we can estimate new CE Admin migration & Super Nurse initial launch dates
  • UX decisions - downtime, messaging, etc.
  • Best way to track scope changes - something other than the pages referenced below?
  • When can we do a demo with the group - SOS on Wednesday?
    • AG: I sent a message in the Leadership channel to see if we could do this during Sprint Review on Wednesday → I know there are a lot of people on, but we all already have it on our calendars, so it could be the best option
  • Process updates going forward
  • Request for Lysle:
    • How is Aaron’s work being tracked now since it’s not in Jira - is this through another product, email, Slack, etc.
    • We’ll want to track the work Aaron is doing in Jira going forward
      • We requested a special Product Team and created a board for his work, but can’t utilize it
      • If we end up using this - will he work in a Sprint format or do you prefer Kanban?


Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

Alyssa Grissom
Ashley Edds
Brianna Collins
Emily Christian
Isaac Mahler
Katie Lucas
Lakshmi Kondragunta
Lysle Baker
Matt Meineke
Raymond Sidharta
Sean Kramer
Surya Bhatt

CE Admin Migration:

  • CE Admin migration timeline: Had been planned for August 23, delays with catalog importer, survey reporting, and RLMS enrollment queues. New target date is 9/13.

    • Will need either submarine or supernurse release on day of CE Admin migration

      • Who needs to be involved in that?

      • SUB Profile tickets have passed in QA but we can’t test them in Staging until after the code freeze (SUB-819 | SUB-820 | SUB-821 | SUB-792)

    • Concerns related to releasing on same date and/or within a week or two of each other?

    • Benefits to releasing on same date?

  • Magento is in code freeze after 8/7/2023 release until CE Admin migration

    • Answer from Pankaj about unplanned issues:

      • "Yes, we should be able to roll back. We have to plan for that, take db backup etc, so we can restore db if needed. Test site properly in maintenance mode (only accessible to us) before making live for actual users."

Super Nurse Initial Launch:

  • When do we want to take down the current live site?

    1. Need time to capture data diffs and run migrations

  • When do we want to add messaging to the current live site alerting users to downtime?

    1. Need messaging from product/UX

  • What is our targeted total downtime window?

  • When do we want to cutover?

    1. Is there anything to consider other than DNS cutover?

  • Need to create a page for the site downtime.

    1. Need messaging from product/ux.

    2. This is intended to be the new maintenance page; Katie has this in flight with Webscale:

  • Can we change go-live date from Friday 9/15 to Wednesday 9/13:

    • Doing a release on a Friday is not a good idea

    • Launching Wednesday morning gives us 3 full days to determine if there are any big Production issues & have time to remedy

  • Can we start the code freeze starting on Wed 8/30:

    • This will be a functionality freeze - we can still work on high-priority bug fixes as deemed necessary by PM

    • Everything from QA will be pushed directly to pre-Prod

      • There’s no need to deploy to Staging right now → this will be done post-launch so that environment can be used for demos

      • NOTE: We need to share messaging with leadership that demos cannot be done during this time - they will have to wait

      • This gives us 2 full weeks to do intense regression testing & make sure we have time to go through the site entirely and address any bugs

  • Allocating some dev time to get the latest code to staging

  • Magento, Craft & Vue workChristian Roberts Isaac MahlerKatie Lucas

    • Where does this stand? What do we need? Who do we need to have prioritize this work?

    • Christian is helping with some of this - let’s review together (PAP tickets related to Magento/

Concerns to research:

  • Don’t like the idea of launching on the same day
  • We want to have at least 1 week, but no more than 2 weeks after the CE Admin migration to launch Super Nurse
  • Depending on when we can do the CE launch, we may need to push SN to 9/20 or 9/27

Final decisions for CE Admin Migration:

  • New target date is 9/13 (this coincides with the SN launch - is that okay?)
    • Could we launch 9/6 somehow? Need to check with all related teams for coverage (App Support and others)
  • Code freeze starting 8/7 until migration complete
  • If we do not combine launches, we will need Submarine Release on 9/13
    • Code freeze is to Magento initially → code will move from QA to Staging during 8/7 release
    • SUB profile work will move from QA to Staging after all Magento code is done
    • If we need to made SUB changes after the Magento code freeze we can
  • Revisit once we can continue testing the catalog importer (Emily Christian / Katie Lucas to update next time) to help drill down the official date
    • Katie will connect with Rachel on products for importer/ETA for testing

Final decisions for Super Nurse initial launch - save conversation for war room tomorrow:

  • Change go-live date from Friday 9/15 to Wednesday 9/13
  • Code freeze starting on Wed 8/30
  • Current site questions re: downtime
    • Site down date & expected down window (need time to run diff)
  • Messaging from UX before start & page during downtime
  • What do we need from ECM

Need help from the Leadership group to:

  • PM demo current site vs. MVP requirements team during SOS on Wednesday - Sr. Devs can share with others
    • Bri shared testing doc with Isaac earlier
    • Hope is to walk through the remaining work from a general perspective - some folks are siloed, so sharing this info with the team would be helpful
    • Use the “War Room” meeting tomorrow afternoon to do this pre-work?
  • Ensure the team is using these Confluence pages to track current discrepancies & future updates FE Discrepancies per QA & /wiki/spaces/JBM/pages/3545268365
  • Request the team frequently check the Dependencies Report chart in Jira to review open blockers & follow the flow (there are some huge trails of blockers..)

Lysle to discuss:

  • Current process & what we want it to be in the future: Release & Outage Communication
  • Alyssa to work with Lysle to figure out how DM/EM/PM can work with App Support & Matt Bowling to ensure necessary communication happens
  • Need to create a Teams channel for release updates (who wants to take ownership of this?)


Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

Alyssa Grissom
Ashley Edds
Brianna Collins
Isaac Mahler
Janaky Nemmara
Matt Meineke
Raymond Sidharta
Sean Kramer
Surya Bhatt


    • How are we delivering this messaging to leadership above us?

    • FE:

      • Backend changes breaking FE - requires new tickets to fix FE, etc.

        • Shouldn’t continue to go forward, but has happened previously and caused some delays & more work

      • UX difficulties - designs aren’t accurate & force us to have to use AC or go back to UX for updates

        • Design is low priority & team will work on tickets based on PM decision where the description & AC match

    • BE:

      • Sean is working on SUP-613 - Getting issue details... STATUS & Jane is working on SUP-720 - Getting issue details... STATUS

      • Raymond & Sean descoped a lot from the FE tickets that don’t require these new BE updates

      • Credit System has not been developed yet

    • How are we going to proactively share information to the larger group?

      • FE/BE code that breaks another

      • Code changes that later require manual changes to already implemented code

      • Build failures

      • Anything that can affect dev/QA work

      • Really want to make sure EM/PM/DM are aware as well

      • team-supernurse channel.. create a dependency-specific channel? other thoughts?

  • Redefine purpose or Pre-Refinement meeting:

    • Recently rescheduled to T/Th 3-4 every other week

    • Need to add another Pre-Refinement group or move SOS on those off weeks

  • One Month Left for New Feature Development

    • When are we code freezing before launch?

    • Continue Dev work during August & spend the last 2 weeks testing


    • Not going to be testing ticket by ticket, but flow from start to finish to ensure accuracy

Job Importer Proposed Polution:

  • Backend Team:

    • Spin up a separate job importer microservice that can be called by Aaron to push in jobs

    • Will expose endpoint for existing job scraping process to call (consult with Aaron on contract)

    • Will queue up jobs to be saved

    • Customers can be configured to ignore credits

    • Consume job queue

    • Listen for jobs queued and post them to the site

    • Will save jobs as draft status if the customer is out of credits

    • Will ignore credits if customer is set to ignore credits

  • Aaron:

    • Will modify existing process to call new job importer microservice

    • Work with backend team to define contract for this call

  • Alyssa: Calendar updates:
    • Update invites for current Pre-Refinement meetings
    • Find shared time for SOS (potentially extend) so EM’s can join
      • 11-12 every other Wed
      • Matt moving another meeting to lunch time (SORRY!)
  • Summer Fridays plans:
    • Leadership to discuss with Super Nurse engineering team
    • Managers discussing with Dev teams
  • Fist to Five:
    • BE/FE changes being worked on
      • Ticket being source-of-truth vs Figma → speeds up work, but doesn’t provide the best confidence level in the final product
      • Job Importer discussion during Refinement tomorrow
    • Improved communication share
      • @here in team-supernurse channel with these updates
  • Magento to LMS:
  • Question:
    • Where are we keeping track of differences between current tickets/Figma links vs what we want to go back to after MVP? - generic ticket/Confluence page, etc.?
      • Ashley to create Confluence doc & share with QA to track future updates
      • Team will add notes to FE Discrepancies per QA
    • Bri to meet with UX tomorrow @ 1:30 tomorrow
      • Needs to review what’s in QA to determine if we need to move again
  • Decision needed:
    • When/what are we code freezing before launch?
    • Coordinate with App Support on testing process first
      • Joel & Team will help coordinate testing with Support
      • Team create “potential bug” tickets for PM to review & determine if they’re actual bugs, need attention, etc.
  • For Lysle:
    • Credit System has not been developed - what next?
    • Follow up on release doc


Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

Ashley Edds
Christian Roberts
Katie Lucas
Lakshmi Kondragunta
Lysle Baker
Raymond Sidharta
Surya Bhatt

  • Discuss “Summer Fridays” plan - potentially move to another month

  • Discuss nightly site outages - meeting with Madgex tomorrow to learn more

  • When do we want to take down the current live site?

    1. Need time to capture data diffs and run migrations

  • When do we want to add messaging to the current live site alerting users to downtime?

    1. Need messaging from product/UX

  • What is our targeted total downtime window?

  • When do we want to cutover?

    1. Is there anything to consider other than DNS cutover?

  • Need to create a page for the site downtime.

    1. Need messaging from product/ux


  • Leadership to discuss Summer Fridays plans for Super Nurse engineering team
  • Lysle to share Migration Planning doc - this will include answers to the questions Ashley shared during this call


Alyssa is on PTO on Monday

  • We should start talking through how we want to handle go live in terms of timing and downtime, so we can start working with ECM and add any messaging we want to current nurse





Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

Alyssa Grissom
Brianna Collins
Emily Christian
Janaky Nemmara
Katie Lucas
Lakshmi Kondragunta
Lysle Baker
Raymond Sidharta

(EM’s have a conflict and will be unavailable today)

  • QA vs Staging PM Review

    • What cadence will we be deploying from QA to Staging?

    • EM’s have a meeting today at 4:30 so we’ll revisit this next week

  • Weekly Engineering Update

    • When do we get together to discuss?

    • Should this align with some Atlas updates?

  • Alyssa cleaning up Jira tickets/statuses

  • Team updates:

    • Diep & Henry to Blue Dot

    • Devesh helping Henry with Segment work

    • Christian to focus on Job Board dev work with Krypton

    • Two new devs (one to CU & one to Krypton)

    • Radicle dev to help with payment process

  • Jenn, Lysle, Emily & Nico will be unavailable most of the week

    • Tuesday/Wednesday Emily & Lysle will be in all day

  • Transition plan from Emily to Janaky

  • Deeper scope discussions on data, release planning, etc.

    • Will revisit with Lysle next week once we know who we need and when we need to schedule

    • Aaron working on options - need to figure out if we have one specific option or multiple to choose from

    • If Katie/Pankaj can help in Lysle’s absence, let them know

  • Alyssa to work with team on requiring specific Jira fields for consistency
  • EM’s to relay details to rest of Leadership group after QA vs Staging meeting
  • Onboard new Devs


  • Diep will finish Krypton work before fully transitioning to Blue Dot
  • Determine what Krypton meetings Henry can/should still join (if needed)
  • Call or text Lysle/Emily if we really need them on Tuesday or Wednesday


Bi-Weekly Super Nurse Pre-Refinement

Alyssa Grissom
Brianna Collins
Isaac Mahler
Janaky Nemmara
Lakshmi Kondragunta
Lysle Baker
Raymond Sidharta

  • Cancel all standing meetings next week (DSU, Retro, Refinement)

  • Alyssa to schedule 9:30-10:30 Super Nurse Kickoff

    • Christian & Ashley to confirm was FE expectations & closing statements are

  • Alyssa to push Sprint end date to 6/29, new one will start Thursday 6/30 & end Tuesday 7/11

    • Alyssa to setup Super Nurse Sprint Review Thursday morning then Blue Dot & Krypton Planning separately

    • Delete Sprint Retros on Monday time slots

    • Setup async Sprint Retro on Thursday or Friday

  • Move Super Nurse Q2 Retro from 3-4 to 1-2:30 on Monday

    • Add Fist to Five

    • Alyssa to create Easy Retro board ahead of time for everyone to fill out

    • We'll still give time at the beginning, but this will be better if we have more time to talk

  • 2:30-4 Epic Owner Discovery Part 1

  • 10-12 Tuesday/Wednesday Epic Owner Discovery 2 & 3

    • What's outstanding?

    • What/who do we need?

    • PM & UX discuss

  • Need to ensure everyone patriciates - super important!

    • If Devs are local, can we try and get as many people in person?

  • Need to determine FE/BE Epic owners

    • EM's, how do we determine this?

    • Explain shared responsibilities for everyone - may be needed in one place now and another later

  • Product Priorities Epic sheet:

    • Include Release discussion in 1-3 & 3-4 on Thursday

    • Technical & Product pieces

    • Lysle to provide more info

  • Alyssa: Need to try and figure out capacity tracking for the rest of the quarter

    • What have we done so far?

    • Any sort of estimate?

    • Compare to Capacity Tracker

    • Ask team to add PTO/Holiday schedule ahead of time to get a general idea of capacity for future Sprints

  • Focus on Story Pointing & keeping accurate commitments

    • What have we been able to complete by Sprint so far?

    • Do we have the ability to look at it by Dev (not right now because we don't always use it)

  • Need to figure out who can work on Segment, other niche functionality - do we need a add a "buddy"?

  • Alyssa clone Miro board templates for Group

  • Alyssa & Lysle be annoying  requiring specific individual feedback and decisions

    • Figure out technical dependencies based on Product requirement

    • Need to figure out what to do for functionality ASAP

  • Who's doing the presentation on Friday?

    • Sounds like Lysle if she doesn't travel

  • Keeping end schedule 4-4:30 -> Leadership wrap-up

  • Always make sure there's a Teams meeting for everything

  • At least 1 PM & 1 EM need to be available for representation during all meetings

Alyssa To-Do’s:

Team To-Do’s:


Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

Ashley Edds
Brianna Collins
Emily Christian
Janaky Nemmara
Jenn Seith
Lakshmi Kondragunta
Matt Meineke
Raymond Sidharta
Surya Bhatt

What are the blockers & who/what do we need to resolve them?

  • Review Plan for Q3 planning next week. Q3 2023 Quarterly Planning Schedule (WIP) - Relias Communities Platform - Confluence (

    • When will sprint planning for the upcoming sprint occur?

      • Will have a clear idea of what should be pulled in for Sprint 1 based on allocation for each sprint for the readout.

        • Consider a brief capacity check for Sprint 1

      • PM will pull in what is allocated for Sprint 1 of Q3 for the upcoming sprint

      • Devs will be working in a more Kanban-style, so they will grab tickets the PMs bring into Sprint 1 and continue grabbing new work as they complete work, based on backlog prioritization and discussion with PM

    • Need to take time before next week to do the following:

      • Assign FE/BE epic owners

      • Schedule rooms for the FE/BE syncs and cross-focus syncs

    • End current sprint on Friday since everyone will be full-time planning next week?

  • Raymond/Janaky/Chris/Tom (Zaengle) need to sync up ASAP to discuss Craft header/footer/nav

  • CEAdmin concerns?

    • Concern communicated to Matt last week about the work App Support and D&A are doing – Matt to f/u with Joel and the supernurse leadership team about what the actual issue is and if there is any risk/mitigation needed.

Action Items:

  • Alyssa/PMs/EMs to assign FE/BE epic owners for Q3 work
  • Alyssa/PMs/EMs to schedule rooms/meetings for Q3 activities next week
    • Note: One of the readout prep meetings should have time for quick capacity planning and Q3/Sprint 1 planning
  • Matt to follow-up with Joel and will update leadership team about CEAdmin deadline concerns
  • Raymond/Janaky/Tom to meet with Chris about header/footer in Craft
  • Alyssa/Lylse to determine if we should end current sprint this Friday for planning activities next week




Jenn, Matt, Lakshmi, Surya, Ashley, Bri, Raymond, Lysle, Christian


  • Vendor Contracts:

    • Need to extend Zaengle’s – goes through 7/30

    • Razar’s extended through October

  • FE sync or SOS?

    • Keep FE sync smaller to keep everyone comfortable

    • Create invite for SOS = DM, EM, PM, Christian & Sean - invite specific individuals when needed

  • What concerns or major dependencies to we have with getting something out on time?

    • Issues with QA and code wiping out with each other’s code

    • Christian is working on

  • Who do we need in office during planning?

    • Would love to get as many people here as possible

    • Team-building, getting excited about the quarter!

  • Quarterly Planning:

    • BE & FE testing expectations to prevent issues with breaking each others code

    • Christian is also starting auto smoke tests that the Devs can run pre-PR and the PR approvers run it again before approving

  • Jenn wants to have a leadership sync every other week to have a similar discussion as today

    • I can update the meeting we already have on Monday with DM, EM’s, PM’s, Directors, Jenn to 1-2 ET every other week

  • Others to add whatever I may have missed

Action Items:

  • Create invite for SOS = DM, EM, PM, Christian & Sean - invite specific individuals when needed
  • Update leadership sync with DM, EM’s, PM’s, Directors, Jenn to 1-2 ET every other week
  • Alyssa to send out pre-planning leadership meeting
  • Leadership to confirm schedule and Alyssa to send out invites & expectations



Super Nurse Leadership Weekly Sync

Alyssa Grissom
Ashley Edds
Brianna Collins
Emily Christian
Janaky Nemmara
Jenn Seith
Lakshmi Kondragunta
Lysle Baker
Matt Meineke
Raymond Sidharta
Surya Bhatt

Where did we land on Sprint Review?

  • Given the Sprint ends tomorrow, are we expected to do one?

  • We need to finalize decision for future Sprints so we can let the teams know

Action Items:

  • Alyssa to create invites for Sprint Review
    • Start with tickets in Product Review on board
    • 9:30-10 every other Wednesday before Sprint Planning (record)
      • Alyssa to reschedule TBD or Krypton Planning invite
    • Reminder that DM, EM & Directors are in a full day on-site Wednesday 6/14


  • Allow other PM’s (especially cross-team) to see what’s been done in the previous Sprint
  • Want to create shared understanding and consistent communication across teams
  • Would eventually like to do a full stakeholder demo, but that’ll be later down the road
  • Keep Technical Roadshow to every other Thursday

Pre Q3 Planning Discussion:

  • Reminder: all week Monday 6/26 (kickoff)-Friday 6/30 (readout)

  • Find my initial thoughts/suggestions for topics and schedule here

  • We need to send details/invites to the teams asap so they know what to expect

Action Items:

  • PM to discuss priority of open tickets in Backlog & create as many new tickets as possible
  • Lysle to follow-up with UX on consistency
    • Bethany to discuss joining Refinement and other necessary ceremonies
  • Discuss schedule and Sprint Planning for planning week


  • If your ticket is blocked/blocking another, suggest “watching” those tickets to get consistent updates
  • Check on active blockers and follow-up as needed
  • Discuss Atlas next week

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