Partnership Advertising Walk-through


CXL Suggested Training:


Recording of Walkthrough:  


Walk Through: 




Campaign Set Up

  • In campaign section, click create button.

  • Choose traffic campaign objective and click continue

  • Click manual traffic campaign and click continue

  • Campaign Name

    • Recommend going [Campaign Objective] | [Company Name]

  • Campaign details buying type should be auction

  • In show options, you can set up a campaign spending limit for a company.

  • Advantage campaign budget can be helpful but would advise against it if you have ad sets with an agreed budget spend.

  • You can turn on the ability to a/b tests. Can also run multiple ads within ad set.


Ad Set Set Up

  • Naming ad set - If there's certain parameters that you'd need to add here, do so. But highly recommend you include what ad set is about in 1-2 words that is recognizable to your campaign and the audience you're targeting.

  • Conversion: Choose website as conversion location unless otherwise noted.

    • Make sure performance goal is maximize number of link clicks unless otherwise noted.

    • Can cap out cost per result goal but may not be best strategy for a set it and forget it.

    • In this specific case, I'd choose when to get charged as link click instead of impressions to maximize results.

  • Budget: Choice of daily or lifetime budget. Recommend lifetime spend to make sure you're in life with agreed spend. Facebook will optimize spending per day

    • Set up start date AND end date.

    • Use budget scheduling if you know the partners want the ads to run at a certain time. We typically do not turn this on as nurses could be on social any time of day due to various shift schedules

  • Audience controls - shouldn't be a concern but it allows you to restrict what locations see ad across ALL ad sets and placements.

    • Location - can choose country, state, or city/town with a max of +50 mile radius

    • Can also choose a minimum age, exclude custom audineces and languages. Would recommend changing languages to just english. Don't worry about others. Can be changed in audiences.

  • Advantage+ Audience

    • Automatically choose switch to original audience options and click use original audience

  • Custom Audiences - you will need to create audiences in segment and have it pushed to the ad account. What you name in segment will be seen in this space. Click on it to target that audience.

    • Exclusions: Recommend using this if trying to optimize by:

      • removing those who've already clicked one time (recommend against it only because we can't remarket with out a pixel)

      • trying to remove potential overlap from other ad sets with nurse audiences.

    • Location - can choose where to target geograpgically

    • Age: Recommend not restricting with custom audiences.

    • Gender: Recommend not restricting with custom audiences

    • Advantage detailed targeting: Recommend not restricting with custom audiences

    • Language: Change to english

  • Placements: Turn off advantage+ placements (click edit) and choose manual placements.

    • Choose only placements that fit the asset sizes you have.

      • Can be square, 4:5 vertical or full 9:16 vertical

    • Certain items like Facebook Business explore or marketplace don't convert well and would avoid.

    • Note: Ad set placements won't truly optimize based off of asset type. If using photos and video, make sure you have sizes of that asset type that is optimized for the placement.



Ad Set Up - When it comes to ads, it's recommended to run 2-3 per campaign to optimize results.

  • NAME - Title the ad name with what works best for you. Just make sure you're setting things up to know what that specific ad is for the ad set.

  • Partnership ad

    • Need to turn on for partnership ads

    • Set up

      • Access Meta Business Suite - If you don't have access, reach out to Brandon Osgood and I'll set up permissions.

      • Go to settings-> ad partnerships

      • click add partner

      • search for creators account

      • Select as business asset

      • click send request.

    • NOTE: Partner ads CANNOT be ran until the request is accepted.

    • Do not collect a partner ad code. It's for already posted content from the partner.

  • Identity - Keep as first identity in this instance. Make sure the right brand is being chosen as second identity.

  • Ad set up - choose create ad

  • Format - choose single image or video if that's the assets you have or choose carousel

  • Un-check mutli-advertiser ads as assets could be resized or cropped.

  • Ad Creative

    • Media - choose add media and then click add video or add image based on your asset choice. Choose image and upload

    • Avoid enhancements

    • Placements

      • You cand edit what asset size is shown via each placement.

      • Can customized what is seen as stories as well.

    • Primary text

      • Best practice is using a minimum of three primary text options but ideally 5. Each text is recommended to be no longer than 140 characters in length.

    • Headline

      • Best practice is using a minimum of three primary text options but ideally 5. Each text is recommended to be no longer than 45 characters in length.

    • Call to action - choose what is most appropriate

    • Info labels - ignore at this point

    • Advantage + creative

      • turn off enhancements outside of relevant comments

  • Destination

    • Choose website and add website url. Include any UTM codes if your partner requests it. Note - we won't see traffic data outside of ad manager.

    • Do not add browser add-on unless otherwise requested.

  • Tracking

    • Can keep website events unchecked since won't have access to partner's pixel.


Additional info

  • Note: Team members cannot view your new ads until it goes from draft to published. If that is a need, publish it with a launch date for the future and immediately turn off the ad set.

  • If running any ads involving employment, create a new campaign and categorize ad set as employment. It will restrict targeting like age but you can still use our customer list for targeting. You can still geo-target ads.

  • Remarketing is not possible in this current format. If the business wants to have us run it as well, we (Relias) will need to add their pixel to our ad accout.


Monitoring and Reporting

  • overview of seeing stats and adjusting based on campaign, ad set, or ad level

  • Show how you can view stats breakdown based off of certain social stats


Billing and payments

  • where to access invoices


POC, Responsibilities and Next Steps

  • Community Management

    • Devon will flag negative or questions from ad comment mentions captured from Sprout. We'll need your team to flag them to the appropriate teams to get these answered.