How to configure Magento Connector in AEM

In order to use all Magento features, AEM is required to be running and hooked up to the Magento instance. Following these instructions will connect the two instances to allow full functionality and testing.


AEM Configuration

  1. Start your AEM and Magento instance.

  2. Connect to the AEM instance, and then go to http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr

  3. Locate the “Magento Configuration Service” and click the pencil icon.

  4. Change the domain names in all the urls to point to your magento instance (Usually

  5. Click Save

Magento Configuration

  1. Log into magento admin

  2. Click Stores in the left menu

  3. Click Configuration under settings

  4. Click Redirects under the Relias Section

  5. Change the hostnames in the configuration section to http://localhost:4502

  6. Save the above config

  7. Click CORS Requests Configuration

  8. Change Default Origin url to http://localhost:4502

  9. Click Save Config


You can verify this worked by trying to log into the AEM site, if the page gives an error with an invalid user, then this configuration is complete.