Q2 2023 Quarterly Planning Topics

If there are particular topics that you’d like to discuss during Quarterly Planning, please add that to this page. The Leadership team will also be adding some topics to this page as well. Thanks y’all!

Team Member/Team


Action Items

Team Member/Team


Action Items

Alyssa Grissom (both)

Ensure understand of MVP phases & priorities.
Leadership team (headed by PM) to look through open tickets to ensure requirements are complete, statuses are accurate, etc.
Consistency of requirements and style guides for tickets from Q2 on.
Discussion on priority of fixing things that have already been done but don’t affect functionality/DoD for launch.
Address any questions, concerns, blockers, etc.
Confirmed: Follow Figma guidelines as is. Unless you immediately know that something is really wrong, you are not expected to audit the differences between Figma and the official Style Guide. We will spend time after the initial MVP launch to address these updates.

Ashley(but Alyssa is subbing for me while I’m out)/both teams

QA Team Regression during Q2 planning – QA team will use some of Q2 planning time to complete a full regression of the QA env in its current state. See below for details.
FE Leadership team (Jasmine, Isaac, Christian) will spend some of Q2 time going through current code repo, finding all code comments, removing them from code and capturing issues in tech debt tickets.
Create regression testing tracking spreadsheet
Discuss tech debt meeting objective with front end team


TextKernal-specific Refinement during Q2 time





@Alyssa Grissom (Deactivated) this maybe a pre-work for quarterly planning, a great callout

QA Regression Plan

The QA team (Qiyi/BE, Thom/FE, Sabi/FE, MB/FE) will complete a full regression of all the code currently deployed to the QA environment.

This sheet This sheet will be used to track their progress. They will be testing anything currently marked as “Queued for Release” or “Done.”

The columns should be filled out as follows:

  • Tested by: name of QA owning the ticket

  • Automated?: If the ticket has an automated test, this should say “Yes” and should have a confirmed pass. If not, mark as “No” and manually test.

  • Pass/Fail: Did testing indicate a pass or fail?

  • Status changed?: Some tickets are marked as “Done” – this should only be used if code has been verified in production. Please make a note of if the status was changed and why.

    • If there is code that was regressed on QA, the status should be “Queued for Release”

    • If there is no code that was regressed or should make it to prod (i.e. Spike ticket, pipeline ticket), then the status should be “Done”

  • Bug ticket link: If the testing failed and a bug was found, please create a bug ticket outlining the issue and link it in the sheet

  • Note: Any notes pertinent to testing should go here (i.e. why a ticket failed testing)