QA Automation for SuperNurse Recruitment Service


Automate SuperNurse Recruitment backend environment buildup, “integration” branch deployment, GraphQL API integration test automation.



  • Use existing docker image for the standard application(Firebase Emulator, PostgresQL, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch) to provide services

  • Deploy specific branch of supernurse-backend into Bitbucket pipeline docker to have the QA preflight environment ready

  • Automate local environment setup for QA local test

  • Automate GraphQL API automation with REST Assured


Diagram of Preflight Environment

Number of docker services depends on project progress, below diagram is just for high level idea (diagram will not be updated if project change to use other search technics).


Diagram of Local QA test Environment

Number of docker services depends on project progress, below diagram is just for high level idea (diagram will not be updated if project change to use other search technics).


Trigger the test from Bitbucket Pipeline

  • Daily run for full regression


  • Customized run with given dev branch name

As of 2022-Dec-7:

2023-Feb-17: Currently has been upgraded to support both frontend and backend customized branch name, and then build the hooked environment inside Bitbucket Pipeline docker.


Docker Based Backend Local Environment Setup

Steps for backend local QA environment setup

Docker, Homebrew and Colima required before proceeding_ ✅

If homebrew is not installed

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Once homebrew is installed run the following CLI commands

brew install docker brew install docker-compose brew install colima brew upgrade colima colima start --cpu 4 --memory 8 mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins # If on a M1 Mac ln -sfn /opt/homebrew/opt/docker-compose/bin/docker-compose ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose brew install docker-credential-helper # If on an Intel Mac ln -sfn /usr/local/opt/docker-compose/bin/docker-compose ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose

Clone the supernurse-backend branch each time for a clean setup

# Maintain branch under qa folder to local testing mkdir qa cd qa # always stop existing running process before clone new branch # enter into the directory where you cloned the branch, e.g. qa/supernurse-backend # if it is first time ever, skip the cleanup and proceed to git clone cd supernurse-backend docker compose down # remove the testing folder everytime cd .. rm -rf supernurse-backend git clone --branch integration --single-branch cd supernurse-backend
  • Copy docker-compose.yml and from supernurse-qa repo into the supernurse-backend directory from previous step

  • Make sure your local environment has docker compose command, then in the Terminal execute docker compose up to bring up all the services, or docker compose down to tear down all the services

In your browser, http://localhost:5556/explorer.html should now be working

Run GraphQL API automation test cases (There are two approaches, please use either way)

  1. Run GraphQL API test from BitBucket pipeline with merged test cases

    • go to pipelines and click run pipeline, to run regression test for QA environment, follow below screenshot.

  2. Run GraphQL API test locally:

    • Fill in all those password fields in (under resources folder)

      • local-SeededSuperUserPwd=

      • local-SuperUserPwd=

      • local-OrgAdminPwd=

      • local-RecruiterPwd=

      • local-RecruiterTestPwd=

      • local-NursePwd=

      • local-NurseTestPwd=

    • mvn -B verify -Denvironment=qa -DrunSuite=APIstablebranch.xml --file pom.xml

Run Selenium UI automation test cases(There are two approaches, please use either way)

  1. Run Selenium UI test from BitBucket pipeline with merged test cases

    • go to pipelines and click run pipeline, to run regression test for QA environment, follow below screenshot.

  2. Run Selenium UI test locally:

    • Get test code from master branch

    • Bring up docker container with selenium chrome image (below is the example for Mac M1 only, google selenium docker image for your own CPU model and browser type preferred)

      • Connect to VNC vnc://localhost:5900 to check your test execution if needed

    • mvn -B verify -Denvironment=qa -DrunSuite=UIfullregression.xml --file pom.xml

Automation Test Development

Writing Selenium UI integration test

2023-01-24: 1 healthcheck UI automation case running daily

  • Dependencies: TestNG + Java + Selenium

  • Test case structure

  • UI element locators are defined under pages folder

  • UI test cases are defined under tests/ui folder




Writing GraphQL API integration test

2023-4-28: 254 backend GraphQL API and 2 frontend Selenium automation cases running daily for QA environment and integration branch

2023-03-31: 224 backend GraphQL API and 2 frontend Selenium automation cases running daily for QA environment and integration branch

2023-03-20: 201 backend GraphQL API and 1 frontend Selenium automation test cases running daily for QA environment and integration branch

2023-03-20: supernurse-backend code coverage is also improved before gigantic nurse code change(SUP-159)

2023-02-28: 159 backend GraphQL API automation test cases running daily for integration branch

2023-03-01: supernurse backend automation has code coverage listed below


2023-01-31: 85 backend GraphQL API automation test cases running daily for integration branch

2022-12-31: 52 backend GraphQL API automation test cases running daily for develop branch

2022-11-30: 24 backend GraphQL API automation test cases running daily for develop branch

  • Dependencies: TestNG + REST Assured

  • Test case structure

  • More extensions(under common folder) for supernuser-backend API are added as time goes

  • Test case example

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