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Please refer to this document for standard rules of engagement for MQL sourcing and the assignment of Marketing Originated Opportunities. 

Handling the MQL List View or “The MQL Queue”

What is “The MQL Queue”?

When an individual becomes an MQL, they will appear in the MQL List View. The Lead Operations Team has two MQL list views, one for new name MQLs and one for contact MQLs. Individuals who have scored-up or requested a demo will be found here. We refer to both of these list views as the MQL Queue. Lead Operations creates almost all Stage 0 Marketing Originated Opportunities from the MQL Queue.

New Name MQL List View

Contact MQL List View

How to handle the MQL Queue?

The MQL Queue is reviewed by the Lead Operations team first thing each workday. MQLs are prioritized based on their source detail. The source detail prioritization list below is followed for both new name and contact MQLs.

  1. Demo Requests: Demo Requests should always be handled and converted to opportunities first.

  2. Tradeshow Hot Leads: These are treated as Demo Requests and should be prioritized as such.

  3. Tradeshow Score-Ups: Warm tradeshow leads should be prioritized after demo requests.

  4. Webinar Live Score-Ups: Webinar Live attendees are prioritized next.

  5. On-Demand Webinar Score-Ups: Lastly, on-demand webinar attendees will be prioritized.

After following the prioritization list above, remaining score-ups will be addressed based on their “MQL Date.” The MQL queue is prioritized from oldest to most recent MQL date. This is done by sorting the list view by the “MQL Date” column in ascending order. Demo requests are handled from oldest “SFDC Demo Request Date” to most recent. This can be done by sorting the list view by the “SFDC Demo Request Date” column in ascending order.

Lifecycle Statuses

Before creating Stage 0 opportunities from the MQL queue, leads are marked appropriately with a “recycle” or “refer-to-retail” lifecycle status in an attempt to clean out the queue and focus on important MQLs.

  • The “recycle” lifecycle status is used for:

    • A B2C title Content Score-up. (Examples: RN, CNA, DSP, etc.)

    • A Demo Request that comes in with a “Contact Us” message indicating that they are seeking support. (Example: “My team members are having issues logging into Relias.”)

  • The “refer-to-retail” lifecycle status is used when:

    • A B2C title requests a demo. (Examples: RN, CNA, DSP, etc.)

    • A Demo Request comes in with a “Contact Us” message indicating they are going to use Relias for personal learning. (Example: “I need to sign up for continuing education.”)

  • The “junk” lifecycle status is ONLY used if:

    • An MQL clearly appears to be a bot completing a Demo Request form. (Example: A lead with the name “dfsdsd sdfsddfs” and a “Contact Us” message that reads “xcvbvvvbfgfggf”)

    • REMEMBER: The junk lifecycle status will trap a lead. Once an MQL is marked as junk, it cannot re-MQL and return to the MQL queue.

Please refer to the spreadsheet linked below for guidance on distinguishing between B2B and B2C titles. Note: This is not a comprehensive list, lead operations team members should always be researching titles they are not familiar with or that do not appear on this spreadsheet.

Buying Titles Guide

Rules of Engagement for Opportunity Assignment

Opportunities are assigned to Account Executives (AE), Account Managers (AM), or Business Development Representatives (BDR) based on vertical, employee count, state/province, and whether the opportunity is a Content Score-Up or a Demo Request.

Opportunity Assignment: Demo Requests v. Content Score-Ups

Demo Requests should be assigned to the appropriate representative based on the following guidelines:

  • Demo requests are often assigned to a sales representative (AE or AM). The only demo requests that should be sent to BDRs are Wound Care Demos and Support MQLs (see )

  • New Leads on a New Account: A new name MQL that requests a demo will appear in the Lead MQL queue. When the lead belongs to a company that is NOT an existing account in our Salesforce instance, the demo request opportunity should be sourced to an AE according to territory rules.

  • New Name MQL on Existing Account (or Customer Account): A new name MQL that requests a demo will still come into the Lead MQL queue even if they belong to a company that is an existing account or a current customer. Although we may have the company’s information saved to our Salesforce instance, the particular individual who is requesting a demo is not saved in SF. When the lead belongs to a company that is an existing account in Salesforce, it should be sent to the owner of that account. This could be an AE (existing account: non-customer) or an AM (existing account: customer). The only exception to this rule is Support MQLs (non-customer), Wound Care, and leads (see )

  • Existing Contact MQL on Existing Account (or Customer Account): An existing contact MQL that requests a demo will appear in the Contact MQL Queue. Similar to the previous case, Demo Requests from an existing contact MQL on an existing account or customer account should be assigned to the owner of that account. This should also be done for a customer account.

Content Score-Ups should be assigned to the appropriate representative based on the following guidelines:

  • New Name MQL on New or Existing Account (NOT Customer): A new name MQL that is a Content Score-Up will appear in the Lead MQL Queue. Content Score-up MQLs that belong to a new or existing account (non-customer) should be assigned to a BDR. Use the territory map to determine the BDR who should own this opportunity based state/province and vertical.

  • New Name MQL or Existing Contact MQL on Customer Account: A Content Score-up that is a new name MQL or existing contact MQL on a customer account should be assigned the owner of that account. In this case, this will likely be an AM (new name MQL will appear in the Lead MQL queue; existing contact will appear in the Contact MQL queue).

For additional information on the differences between AEs, AMs, and BDRs, please refer to the following document. Sales Roles Guide

Opportunity Assignment: Open Opportunities

When assigning Stage 0 opportunities from MQLs, it is very important to ensure an account does not already have an open Marketing Originated Opportunity. A Marketing Originated Opportunity is identified as an opportunity that has a Source of “Marketing” and a Marketing Impact of “Marketing Originated.” The Source of opportunity can be found in the “Attribution Tracking” section of an opportunity. The Marketing Impact can be found under “Marketing Information” on an opportunity.

In the case that there is an open Marketing Originated Opportunity, a new opportunity should NOT be created. Instead, the MQL will be added to the open marketing opportunity either by conversion (New Name MQL or Lead) or adding a contact role to the opportunity (Contact MQLs ONLY). The MQL will be assigned to the owner of the open marketing opportunity. Add a message to the “chatter” section of the opportunity and tag the opportunity owner. Use the following message as a template: “@Meaghan Kenney a new MQL has been added to this opportunity.” If a lead (new name) comes in to the Lead MQL queue and belongs to a customer account with an open marketing opportunity, the lead will first be converted to a contact and then added to the open opportunity as a contact role.

If there are any other open opportunities that are NOT Marketing Originated, a new opportunity will be created and assigned accordingly. If an MQL enters the queue (both lead and contact queue) as a content score-up and belongs to an existing prospect account, ALL open opportunities on the existing account should be reviewed. If there is an open Sales Originated opportunity on the account that is owned by the account owner (AE), the score-up opportunity should be assigned to the owner of that sales opportunity NOT the BDR.

Opportunity Assignment: Using the Territory Map

When there is a new name MQL that does not belong to an existing account, a new account will be created upon conversion of the new name lead. A Demo Request or Content-Score Up opportunity should be assigned based on vertical, company size/employee count, and state/province.

  • Company Vertical

    • AE, AM, and BDR territories are separated in part by vertical. Our verticals are Behavior and Community Health (BCH), Acute (ACU), and Post-Acute Care (PAC).

    • Verticals should always be checked for correctness before conversion. This can be done by looking into company information on ZoomInfo, LinkedIn, and the company website.

    • REL cannot be used as a vertical when converting a lead. This should always be changed to BCH, ACU, or PAC before conversion.

  • Company Size/Employee Count

    • Territories are also separated by company size/employee count. For PAC and BCH, company size will be determined by employee count. However, ACU organization size will be determined by bed count.

    • Accounts fall into four categories for size based on employee or bed count: Rest of Market (ROM), Small Business (SMB), Mid-Market (MM), and Enterprise (ENT). The Acute AE’s work a hybrid model, new business representatives cover both SMB and MM with separate reps for only ENT.

    • Employee count is determined first by viewing the company’s LinkedIn page, then the company’s website, or by collecting the information from ZoomInfo. ZoomInfo is typically used as a last resort since it tends to be incorrect.

    • If an employee count cannot be found, it is sent by default to the SMB team (applies to all verticals).

  • Company Size/Employee Count Thresholds by Vertical











ACU (Bed Count) 















Staffing Agencies






Gov. Accnt. Team

Gov. Accnt. Team

Gov. Accnt. Team

Gov. Accnt. Team
















  • State/Province

    • Lastly, territories are separated by U.S. State or Canadian Province.

    • ALL leads should have a state or province on their profile page before conversion. State/province is incredibly important for opportunity assignment.

Assignment based on all three factors above can be done using the territory map. The territory map is obtained from the Sales Operations Team about once a month. The most recent territory map should always be used for opportunity assignment.

Matrix for Opportunity Assignment

Here is a quick snapshot of the ROE’s for opportunity assignment.


Content Score up

Demo Request/
Contact Us

Tradeshow -
Hot Lead

Tradeshow - Score Up

Existing Client

Rep - MQL

Rep -MQL

Rep - MQL

Rep - MQL

Prospect - Open Marketing Opportunity


Rep - MQL

Rep - MQL


Prospect - No Open Marketing Opportunity

BDR - Stage 0

Rep - Stage 0

Rep - Stage 0

BDR - Stage 0

Opportunities Outside of Normal ROE

Wound Care MQLs

Our Wound Care BDR Team handles all MQLs and opportunities with a last touch attribution of wound care. This includes Demo Requests. Here are some items to remember when handling wound care MQLs:

  • Any Demo Request or Content Score-Up with a last touch attribution of “wound care” should be sent to a wound care BDR. The Wound Care section territory map should be used to determine the appropriate representative.

  • Only B2B leads should be sent to the wound care team. B2C wound care leads will be marked as “refer-to-retail.”

  • Standard ROE for open Marketing Originated wound care opportunities should be followed. MQLs leads will typically come in to the MQL queue as a Demo Request. Similar to wound care leads, these will be sent over to a specific team, which would be digital advertising. All nurse leads will be sent to Conor O’Shea on that team. Here are some guidelines for managing leads:

  • Any MQL with last touch attribution of is sent to Conor O’Shea and is distributed to the digital advertising team accordingly.

  • Although Lead Operations has access to the territory assignments for digital advertising representatives, nurse leads should still only be sent to Conor unless told otherwise by Sales Operations.

  • Standard ROE for “recycle” and “refer-to-retail” is followed for for Nurse leads. B2C titles should be marked as refer-to-retail, and support requests should be recycled.

  • Standard ROE should be followed for open Marketing Originated nurse opportunities.

If an MQL that belongs to an existing account with a vertical of “Advertising” (vertical used for leads) requests a demo that is NOT Nurse related (Master Demo), the demo request opportunity should not be assigned to Conor or the digital advertising representative who owns that account. Lead Operations team members should do investigation to find a vertical for the company that matches BCH, ACU, or PAC, and assign the opportunity to an AE accordingly. The vertical on the account will NOT be changed.

MQLs that request a Nurse demo or score-up on a Nurse asset and belong to an account with a vertical of BCH, ACU, or PAC should remain on that account and have their opportunity assigned to Conor O’Shea.

Support MQLs

At times, the Support Team will receive a call from an individual who is actually a B2B lead looking for a demo or more information about Relias. Support will gather as much information as they can before passing this on to the MQL Queue for further review and assignment. Here are some things to remember when reviewing and assigning these leads:

  • Support leads will come in to the MQL Queue with a source detail that beings with “Case.” This can include Case-Academy, Case-Nurse, or Case-Wound Care.

  • These leads WILL NOT include any campaign attribution outside of “source” and “source detail.” Last touch attribution should NOT be changed.

  • Support leads on new accounts or existing prospect accounts (non-customer) should be assigned to a BDR according to state/province, vertical, and company size. The territory map will be used to determine who would be the appropriate BDR. Support leads belonging to a customer account should be assigned to the owner of that customer account.

  • Support leads will likely come in with less information than a standard lead. The Lead Operations team will try their best to gather the most important information (vertical, phone or email, and company name) before assigning the opportunity.

GRC Content Score-Ups

Any Content Score-Ups that have last-attribution pertaining to compliance (ie. Compliance Management, Managed Services, Policy Pro) will go directly to the GRC BDR. The GRC BDR can be found on the territory map. This ONLY applies to Content Score-Ups on prospect accounts, GRC BDRs should not receive compliance demo requests or customer opportunities.

PointClickCare Contact MQLs

Occasionally, there will be demo requests or content score-ups on a contact record that is on the “PointClickCare Technologies” account. Since this account is both a customer and a partner, creating opportunities on these contacts can be tricky. The rules below will serve as a guide for the three possible scenarios lead operations could encounter:

  • PointClickCare Contact Belongs to Another Existing Account

    • At times, a PointClickCare contact will have an email on their contact profile that does not match the email/website domain for the PointClickCare account.

    • If the email matches a separate existing account, the contact should be moved to that account and the contact owner should be changed to the separate existing account’s owner.

    • The opportunity should be assigned to the owner of that existing account.

  • PointClickCare Contact Needs New Account Created

    • Some PointClickCare contacts will have emails that do not match any of the existing accounts in our Salesforce database and instead would need a new account created.

    • In this case, a Sales Ops ISR should be submitted containing the new account (company) name, account vertical, company size, employee count, and state.

    • The ISR should specify that a new account and opportunity need to be created. It should also include the name of the sales rep or BDR that should own the account and opportunity.

  • Unable to Determine if Contact is a PointClickCare Contact

    • At times, it will be difficult to deduce whether or not a contact does or does not belong to the PointClickCare Technologies account.

    • In this case, a PointClickCare opportunity should be created and sent to the appropriate BDR with a chatter message explaining the need for investigation.

Helpful Tidbits to Remember

Last Touch Campaign Attribution Information

The last touch campaign attribution information should always be checked on the lead or contact profile to ensure it has populated prior to conversion or opportunity creation. If there is no last touch attribution on a lead or contact, the Lead Operations team should investigate a further to understand why this may have occurred.

  • If it is an MQL that scored up through email clicks, attribution may not have been captured. This MQL can be recycled.

  • If an MQL has interacted with an asset older than two years, attribution information may not populate. The Lead Operations team will view the MQL’s campaign history and reach out to Chrissey or the appropriate parties (Customer Marketing, Demand Generation etc.) to figure what the attribution should be.

Attribution information MUST be populated or manually updated before conversion or opportunity creation. The opportunity created will not have any attribution information if it does not exist on the lead.

  • The last touch attribution should only be updated if Lead Operations is certain sure what the information should be. If it is indeed a marketing lead, the source in attribution should be Source=Marketing.

  • If the attribution information cannot be found or there appears to be a system error that is preventing attribution information from populating, Lead Operations will submit an ISR to the RevTech Team.

To better understand campaign attribution and it’s importance, review the following document: Campaign Attribution Overview

Duplicate Lead and Contact Records

Handling Duplicate Leads

  • When a duplicate lead records comes in to the MQL Queue, there will be a notification at the top of the lead record which notifies the user that a duplicate lead exists. The duplicates should ALWAYS be viewed.

  • The duplicates should be reviewed thoroughly to ensure they are truly the same person (ie. similar emails, phone numbers, and company information, not just the same name.)

  • The lead record with an MQL lifecycle status and the most recent MQL date should always be used as the primary record.

  • If there are differing emails or phone numbers, but the duplicate records are definitely the same individual, this information should be copied down as only one email or phone number can be saved per record.

  • The differing information will be added to the lead record’s “Contact Us Message” with the following message: “Lead Source Note: Potential alternate email”

Handling Duplicate Contacts

  • Similar to lead records, contact records will also show a notification of duplicate records existing. The duplicates should ALWAYS be viewed.

  • The same process that is used for duplicate leads, should be used for duplicate contact records.

  • When a lead is converted to a contact on an existing account, the “Related Contacts” section on that account should be viewed to ensure a duplicate contact was not created. Contacts should be merged as needed.

  • If there are differing emails or phone numbers, but the duplicate records are definitely the same individual, this information should be copied down as only one email or phone number can be saved per record.

  • The differing information should be added to the lead record’s “Contact Us Message” with the following message: “Lead Source Note: Potential alternate email”

Duplicate Account Creation

  • If a duplicate account is accidentally created upon conversion, a Sales Operations ISR needs to be submitted to request that the accounts be merged.

  • Lead Operation should always be sure to check that a company does not currently exist as an account prior to conversion to avoid this issue.

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