Promo Set up
Setting up Ads and Extensions
Create ads that align with the new promo and add appropriate labels for that promo.
Create promotion extension for promo
Set the promotion dates under “Promotion Date” (this will show on the ad with the dates the promotion will be running)
Set the dates the promotion will run (the end date will end at first thing that morning, so if it promo ends on 9/1 you want the end date to be 9/2)
Assign the promotion extension to the campaigns that the promo will be running on. Note: it may not be running on all campaigns.
You can pull the ads and promotion extension from Google to Bing. Double check all ads and extensions are accurately pulled into Bing, if not recreate them in Bing.
Setting up Rules (Google)
Navigate to “Rules” on Google Ads
Click the blue + to create a new rule
Select “Ad Rule”
Name the rule with the action the rule will take, what type of ad is being turned on or off and the date
Example: Pause 10% off ads 9/1/23
Example: Enable No Sale ads 9/1/23
Select either account, campaign, or ad group the rule should run on
Account: if all ads in all campaigns will be effected by promo
Campaign: if only certain campaigns will be effected by the promo
Ad group: if only certain ad groups will be effect by the promo
Add a condition for “Label” and select the label associated with the sale.
Select the action that will happen
Pause ads: will pause any ads with that label
Enable ads: will enable any ads with that label
Set frequency to once and select the day you want the promo starts or ends and select 12AM to run
Have the rule email you every time the rule runs:
Repeat these steps for pausing “No Sale Ads”, Enabling “Promo Ad” to start the promo and then “Pause Promo Ad” and enabling “No Sale Ads” at the end of the promo.
Setting up Rules (Bing)
Import all new ads and extensions from Google ( )
Double check everything you need has properly come over
Navigate to Ads and Extensions
If this promo is for all campaigns you don’t need to be in a specific campaign, if it is for a specific campaign make sure to navigate to that campaign first.
Select all ads
Select automate
Select either “Pause ads when…” or “Enable ads when…”
Apply to defaults to selected ads. You are able to change it to all ads in all campaigns. If this does not apply to all ads, make sure you have selected all the correct ads
Under “When” you will add a filter of “Label” and select the corresponding label to the promotion.
How often, is once at 12AM (or 00 for 24hr time) on date that promo starts or ends
You are able to change the time zone on Bing. If this is a state specific promo you can edit it to their time zone but most of our promos end in Eastern time. If you have any questions about when the promo might end, reach out to the CMM
Name the rule with the action the rule will take, what type of ad is being turned on or off and the date
Example: Pause 10% off ads 9/1/23
Example: Enable No Sale ads 9/1/23
Email rules: Every time this rule runs
Repeat these steps for pausing “No Sale Ads”, Enabling “Promo Ad” to start the promo and then “Pause Promo Ad” and enabling “No Sale Ads” at the end of the promo.