GA 101

  • Sampling data - see directionally what is happening

  • Audience > Overview - who is coming to the site, where from, age range, sex, etc.

  • Acquisition > Google Ads > Queries - see where PPC is spending money on ads to see if there is an opportunity for SEO

  • Behavior > Site Search - gives you ideas of things that people can’t find on the site, and maybe there is an opportunity for net new page, content audit, or updating UX.

  • Behavior > Behavior Flow - Left-click to highlight only organic content and then left-click again along the route to see where people go on the site.

  • Conversions > Multichannel Funnels > Top Conversion Paths - money-making channels for site

  • Conversions > Ecomm > Product Performance - Reviewing Products on specific pages to inform A/B tests
