On Page Content Approval Process
COVID-19 Content
Share with Laura for edits/approval
Share with CMM for edits/approval
Send to internal COVID-19 Task Force for edits/approval - CMM Will do this
SEO makes approved changes on CMS
Course/Product Content Changes
Share with Faith for edits/approval
Share with Savannah for edits/approval
Savannah to share with Accreditations team for edits/approval
may get some pushback from Accreditations specifically on the course titles as usually changing a course name requires the course to be entirely reaccredited. However, the traffic and revenue projections provided will definitely help provide a good case for these changes.
Savannah to share with Content team for edits/approval
SEO to make approved changes on CMS OR content to make changes if they do care (pending above)
Content team to make content changes on LMS
as some of that content may appear on the course itself in the LMS and we'll need to update it to match
Course/Products Content Changes
Share with Faith for edits/approval
Share with Grace for edits/approval
Product specific pages (not bundles) need Content team approval – CMM to send
As this content is available in B2B and B2C. Pulled from Quickbase which we don't have access to (content doesn’t want us to have access currently).
Share ABA Related products, content, or meta tags to Rhonda Davin (our ABA ACE coordinator who has voiced some concerns over making sure all of our ABA content is consistent with current BACB guidelines) - CMM to send
SEO to make approved changes on CMS where possible and task engineering to give us the ability (if possible in CMS) to update in the future, and update short term
Share with Faith for edits/approval
Share with Laurie for edits/approval
SEO to make approved changes on CMS
Share with Faith for edits/approval
Share with Grace for edits/approval
SEO to make approved changes on CMS
Share with Faith for edits/approval
Share with Grace for edits/approval
SEO to make approved changes on CMS