GDS Site Dashboards

Instructions on replicating the SEO DB Template and personalizing for the sites you manage:


  1. Log into funnel to duplicate the Google Data Studio view and narrow it down to just your site's data:

    1. Export > Data Studio

    2. Find the Wound Care | SEO Performance Dashboard template and click on the icon to duplicate the view

    3. You will then see another view with "Copy" at the end of the view name

    4. Click the pencil to edit this view and change the following

      1. Rename the view name to your site and remove Copy at the end

      2. Change the filter on Website to be your site name (you will need to know how this is named in the Website dimension exactly - it is case sensitive)

      3. Click on Choose Fields and remove the SEO Page Category - Wound Care and replace it with your dimension for page category.

      4. Save

  2. Go to the Data Studio template file:

    1. Go to file and choose Make a Copy - this will pop up options to connect the 2 data sources you will need (the funnel data studio view you just created above and Google Search Console)

      1. For right now, just keep the selected data sources and choose Copy

      2. File will rename as Copy of New SEO Template automatically - go in and rename it <Your Site> | SEO Performance Dashboard

      3. Go to Resource > Manage Added Data Sources

        1. Click Edit on the SEO DB Template | WC and then choose Edit Connection

          1. If it shows you a permissions issue with a yellow warning, remove the Funnel data source and then click add new connection and you will need the token and account ID from Funnel on the Data Studio main page to paste in and then when you click next it will ask if you want to use a view and change it to the view you created in Funnel

        2. Under "Use a View?" change to the new view you created above in Funnel and click Apply when it asks

        3. Before you close out - rename the data source at the top left of the screen by clicking on it and remove the word Template and after the "|" put your site name and then click done

        4. Now you will need to change out the Google Search Console source to the one for your site

          1. Click Edit on the GSC | WC data source and select your site from the GSC choices

          2. Change the name in the top left of the data source to GSC | <your site> and then choose Apply when prompted

          3. Click Done and then Close

    2. The entire dashboard's data has now connected to both new data sources and you will see data populate.

  3. Your last steps will be personalizing the Page Category dimension in Funnel and Brand Dimension in GDS data source for GSC

    1. Page Category (Funnel)

      1. Go to Data Transformation > Dimensions

      2. Copy the SEO Page Category - Wound Care dimension

      3. Choose Edit at top right of page and rename yours to SEO Page Category - "Your Site"

      4. Click on Google Analytics

        1. Make sure you change Website (exactly matches) to your specific website

        2. Follow the pattern of Landing Page as seen for Wound Care…each Page Category is a new rule - it will take customization on some page categories (i.e. Nurse will have Courses, UCE, State Renewal Packages, Certification Review etc…, Distance CME may have EMT Courses, Paramedic Courses etc…).  Think of page categories in ways we would want to separate out performance to see where we have revenue/traffic issues (typical is home page, blog, state requirements, courses, type of courses).

        3. You will need to account for page names changing formats on sites like CE due to the migration or Nurse where we added state renewal package to the URL but last year it would just have had the course name.

    2. Brand (GSC)

      1. Go to Resource > Manage Added Data Sources > Choose Edit on the GSC | <your site> source

      2. Click on the fX box of "Brand"

        1. Change the query string in the formula to include variations of the brand name (URL and site name without www etc…)

        2. Click Done and Close

  4. The PPC chart may have an error displaying the data for an entire year.  If you see a data connection error, narrow the timeframe down to last 181 days by clicking on the date range selector