Magento Troubleshooting

Clearing Magento Cache Directly

Sometimes there are entries in the cache that cause problems when trying to do a deployment, and without doing them the cache:flush command doesn’t function. To get around that problem, you can run the below command to empty the magento cache


redis-cli -h redis flushall


Starting over completely

If there are still issues check here, if the that the above command doesn’t resolve, you can completely delete your code and database to start fresh. The below commands will delete anything not committed, including your git stash, and all user accounts.

Make sure to run the commands inside of your PHP-FPM docker container


cd ~ rm -Rf /var/www/continuingeducation mysql -e "DROP DATABASE continuingeducation;" mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE continuingeducation;" mkdir /var/www/continuingeducation cd /var/www/continuingeducation redis-cli -h redis flushall conductor app:deploy --databases --snapshot SNAPSHOTNAME --repo-reference BRANCHNAME -vvv