Article and Issue Process Guide

Creating an Article:

Content Tab

First, disable the article by ensuring the “Enabled” slider is to the left/grayed out.

  • You can leave the Author First Name, Author Last Name, Start Page, and End Page sections blank.

  • Article Kicker Section

    • You can put the article kicker here.

  • Article Title Section

    • The article title goes here.

    • Once you attach it to an issue, the article title will automatically add the issue to the end after the overnight sync.

  • Article Subtitle Section

    • Here you can place the subtitle.

  • Article Content

    • Here, you can add any images you need to the article.

    • If the images do not display correctly in preview (i.e., too large), you can adjust the image size in Photoshop and upload the image again.

  • Entry Excerpt

    • Here, you can add the synopsis/editor’s note for the except.

  • Entry Body

    • This is where you copy/paste the article text. We have both WYSIWYG and HTML editors.

  • LMS Test Link

    • Leave this blank. It will be automatically populated when the course technologists create the issue.

  • Related Products

    • You can add any related products here. Note: For newsletters, we generally won’t have any.

  • To populate the article information in your text file, copy the relevant portion of the URL. The section should be after “articles/” in the URL and before the question mark, if there is any.

  • Post Date

    • Leave this section alone. The course technologist will make the article live at the right time.

  • Expiry Date

    • Leave blank

  • Once you’re done with the article, go into the HTML. Add the following to the very beginning of the article: <div id="_idContainer000" class="newsletter-article">

  • Then, add the following to the very end of the article: </div>

  • You should be able to close out of the HTML editor and save your article.








Categorization Tab

  • Article to Newsletter

    • Select the newsletter the article belongs to.

  • This field is used to ensure each article shows up in the correct RSS feed. It is not used to populate issues.

  • This field can’t be blank

  • Article Keywords

    • Put in the relevant keywords for the article.

  • Placement Category

    • This is to fine-tune where we want the article on the site. For the time being, leave this blank.

  • Related Topics

    • This is where we tag appropriate topics for the article. Hold the control key as you click through the right options to select multiple options.


Here you can edit/edit any SEO fields you need. You can also edit sitemap options. Note: We will generally not touch this.

Technical Tab

You should not edit this tab. It should populate on its own.


















Creating an Issue

Select entries

Select Issues

Hit + New entry at the upper right corner.

Choose the Newsletter the issue is related to

Choose the release date. This will update the title of the issue to “Newsletter Name — Publish Date”

Under Issue Articles, choose the articles associated with the newsletter.

  • To QA/publish the articles, double click an article to open a side panel.

  • Then, click the box and arrow in the upper-right corner of the side panel to open the article in a new tab.

QA the article, then switch the Enabled slider to the right side/green.

Once all the articles are published/QA’d, add the LMS Test Link to the issue Code box. This is the module code from QuickBase (e.g., REL-AHC-AMA-25-08).

  • If this issue is tied to a product choose a product. This will generally not happen for newsletters.

  • Add the PDF to the section titled Issue PDF by either dragging and dropping the file or selecting upload files