Build a Partner Site

Follow these steps in order to build a partner site on Oracle Step-by-step guide

  1. Prior to the build, ensure that all of the files and text described in RequirementsOverview.docx (attached) are located in the folder M:\Academy\Partner Site Migration\partner
  2. Put all images for the site in this folder on prod web app 1: 
  3. Put all css files for the site in this folder on prod web app 1:
  4. Select the create partner site script in Jenkins 
  5. Build with parameters and select partnerSite_Apache as the action, and type the partner site name and display name
  6. Build with parameters and select partnerSite_EndecaExportandUpdate as the action, and type the partner site name and display name
  7. Build with parameters and select partnerSite_EndecaImport as the action, and type the partner site name and display name
  8. Copy the the folder located on on prod web app 1: /opt/app/apache/dev/crsdocroot/content/css/partner to your local code base in the location: C:\ATG\build\atg\relias\source\dev\CommerceReferenceStore\Store\Storefront\j2ee-apps\Storefront\store.war\css
  9. Do a find and replace to update colors in the css files to match partner site primary color, in navbar.css, style.css, browse-style.css, and custom.css. #60ac44, #5fab44, rgb(96,172,68), and rgb(95,171,68) should be replaced by the partner's primary color. 

  10. Search for ul.hp-grid li and update the width to correspond to the number of categories (if there are 2, %50, if there are 4, 25%, etc.)
  11. Follow the steps in partnerSiteBCC.docx (attached) to create the site in BCC
  12. Log into prod Endeca and locate the partner site
  13. Update social media links in footer –> social media links
  14. Create landing or browse pages for each category – landing page image, landing page course organization, landing page description
  15. Create partner site header
  16. Create partner site home page
  17. Update rewrite rule to allow
  18. Associate partner site home page with home under site pages

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