Adding Static Promo Banner to Browse Pages

This article details the steps required to update the content seen in the banner at the top of the product browse pages, and can also be used to create a new banner of the same template that can be applied on specific profession browse pages.

Log in to Endeca Workbench

Navigate to Experience Manager

To create a new profession-specific banner, navigate to StaticPromoBanner folder under Rules > Shared


Create a New Rule

Enter basic information about the rule and select the StaticPromoBanner template

If you are adding a Static Promo Banner to the Administrator Professionals browse page, name the rule: AdministratorStaticPromoBanner

Select StaticPromoBanner as the template

Complete the required fields for the banner

  1. Background Image URL should be a URL to the image to be used as the background of the banner

  2. Banner Text is the copy you want to appear in the banner

  3. Banner Text color selection can be used to ensure the text has significant contrast from the image.

    1. If you have a dark image use “Light Text” selection, and when the image is lighter use “Dark Text.”

    2. This will also determine the overlay used, Light Text will create a black gradient overlay to allow the light text to stand, out a Dark Text will create a white gradient overlay to allow the dark text to stand out.

  4. View Details URL should be a URL to the product page to be used in the href or the View Details button.

  5. Banner Product ID is the product ID to be used for the Add To Cart button

Select the location(s) where you want this version of the banner to appear

Adjust the priority to ensure it is above the Default “StaticPromoBanner” that applies to all locations that do not have a specific static promo banner

Note: Endeca will respect the priority settings when applying StaticPromoBanners to the site. For example, if “StaticPromoBanner” has a priority of 5, and all the other variations of the StaticPromoBanner have a Priority of 6, “StaticPromoBanner” will overrule the variations.

Publish your work

Promote authoring to live

Return to Commerce Workbench Home

Click EAC Admin Console

Select Scripts from the Left Navigation

Click Start next to PromoteAuthoringToLive

Verify in Production and Make Any Adjustments Necessary



To create the very first Static Promo banner, click add a new folder under Rules > Shared

Right click on “Shared” and select “Add Folder”

Name the folder StaticPromoBanner


Within the folder add a new rule


Name the rule StaticPromoBanner

Click Edit for Template, and choose the template


Select StaticPromoBanner as the template


Complete the required fields for the banner, then publish and promote authoring to live


  1. Background Image URL should be a URL to the image to be used as the background of the banner

  2. Banner Text is the copy you want to appear in the banner

  3. Banner Text color is used to ensure the text has significant contrast from the image. If you have a dark image use light text and when the image is lighter use dark text. This will also determine the overlay used, light text will create a black gradient overlay to allow the light text to stand out a dark text will create a white gradient overlay to allow the dark text to stand out.

  4. View Details URL should be a URL to the product page to be used in the href or the View Details button.

  5. Banner Product ID is the product ID to be used for the Add To Cart button