2023-10-19 Relias Academy SEO release

Release Info:

Release Owner: @Lakshmi Kondragunta

Code readiness Owner : @Doug Wagner

Deployment owner: @Doug Wagner


Change Management ticket : https://relias.atlassian.net/browse/CHM-3962

Jira Fix Version for Relias Academy: https://relias.atlassian.net/projects/PAP/versions/33871/tab/release-report-all-issues


Endeca Configuration and Template Changes:

Update all the new templates on Production Endeca machine
Export existing application to temp dir (and make a copy in case of rollback)
Copy updated templates from the codebase into the temp dir
Import the templates from the temp dir
In XM (how will this work in case of rollback?):
create the “Product Detail Pages” folder and the Default PDP page
create the /courses page for every site that has products
promote content (we initially forgot to do this in the release (promoting content fixed the issue where PDP goes to page not found))

Server Configuration Changes (ATG-Data) on Production Boxes:

Verify and update URLCaseServlet, SitemapGeneratorService, ProductIndirectTemplate components on the Production instances.
Set the Sitemap schedule to once everyday at 9am ET

Any style changes (update the relias.css file): No

Pre-release steps:

Pull current URL list with Screaming Frog @Brandon Hendry
Backup current Production sitemap files from
Backup current Production ATG-Data properties files (only localconfig on webapp1, 2, and BCC) from
[ecom@1196878-ProdWebApp1 servers]$ cp -pr prod_store01/localconfig/ /home/ecom/store01_localconfig_atg-data/
Update Endeca indexing schedule to skip Thursday morning run, restart BCC before 2am ET nightly catalog import
Disconnect sitemap update from Endeca indexing
cd /opt/app/endeca/apps/CRS/control
comment out last line in sitemapGeneration.sh
chmod -x sitemapToApache.sh
Merge working branch PAP-4542_Academy_SEO_priorities into develop branch
Build and deploy develop branch to Staging and do a round of regression testing
Merge develop branch into oracle_ATG_upgrade_11.1_to_11.3.2 release branch

Release steps Relias Academy:

Post Release Procedure: