Super Nurse Sprint Review

Shared Sprint Review with both Team Blue Dot & Team Krypton

  • Who: Everyone from both teams, including DM, EM’s, PM’s and Directors

  • What: Devs walk through work from the previous Sprint that made it to Product Review or Done/Ready for Release on the Sprint boards

  • When: Every other Wednesday 9:30-10 AM ET (post-Sprint | pre-Sprint Planning)

  • Where: Teams Meeting (can book room for those in person)

  • Why: Allow entire Super Nurse team to view work being done by other teams (especially helpful for PM), opportunity to discover dependencies or duplicate work, and understanding of progress toward shared goal of initial launch


Date/Recording Link



Notes/Issues/Action Items

Date/Recording Link



Notes/Issues/Action Items

9/1/2023 Recording

Blue Dot & Krypton

Dev Done | Prod Review | Done Tickets:

All Sprint Tickets:

Sprint reports - shows current status & points and shows historical data after the Sprint closes:

Record review
Raymond take notes on everything reviewed:
PM’s & Devs to determine what work is left for a ticket and:
If a new ticket needs to be created with outstanding work or if there is new scope
If the current ticket is close enough that we can move it along in the next Sprint
Alyssa to work with PM & Devs to create any new tickets and/or update any existing prior to planning on Tuesday

8/9/2023 Recording

Blue Dot & Krypton

QA Functionality

Bri did a demo of the current Job Board functionality on QA
A few of us noted issues that need to be addressed - things that worked before and aren’t anymore, or ones that are working differently
We need to schedule time with Raymond go go over the Nurse Profile work once we complete some other related tickets

7/26/2023 Recording

Blue Dot

Blog Updates
Backend Segment work




Job postings/Org Admin

7/12/2023 - I forgot to record




6/14/2023 Recording

Blue Dot



