Q3 2023 Quarterly Planning Topics

Jira Updates:

Process Updates:

[UPDATE] Scrum of Scrums w/Leadership team & Sr. Devs/Epic Owners

Review documentation

  • What are we trying to accomplish and how does Atlas help?

    • Improved visibility with the ability to self-serve the information you need (both for teams and stakeholders)

    • Establishing a source of truth for the latest progress and updates

    • Keeping stakeholders informed while reducing time spent in meetings

    • Easy insight into each team’s OKRs and establishing OKR best practices across all teams and leadership

    • Visibly connecting team OKRs to high level business goals

  • What are goals and projects?

  • Who are followers?

    • Everyone on our teams should be following our goals & projects to ensure everyone sees the weekly updates & sees what’s being shared with our stakeholders - automated emails come out every Monday morning

    • If you see issues with the information provided, please reach out - we want to make sure everyone is aligned with the current status of the project, dependencies, blockers, etc.

  • Who provides updates and how are those determined?

    • We will go through the Fist to Five Voting exercise as a group (screenshot below) - this will gauge the teams' confidence level in our current expected delivery date

    • The leadership team discusses this feedback and crafts the updates that Delivery Management adds to Atlas each week

On Track: while there is always a little risk, the most likely scenario is delivering value by the target date.

  • The team is confident in the target date and reporting all 4s and 5s when doing fist to five confidence checks.

  • No support needed from stakeholders.

At Risk: its still possible to hit the target date, but its more likely that we won’t.

  • The team is losing confidence in the target date and reporting 3s and 4s when doing fist to five confidence checks.

  • Updates need to include support needed from stakeholders, the team’s next steps, and rationale on why the project is At Risk.

Off Track: very little to no chance of delivering value on the target date.

  • The team does not have confidence (reporting 0s, 1s, and 2s when doing fist to five confidence checks) and will be re-planning. We need a new approach, reduced scope, or adjusted delivery timing.

  • Updates need to include the team’s next steps in re-planning as well as any stakeholder support needed.

  • Have questions? Reach out in the atlas-answers Slack channel or to me directly


Reference for past info: