2023-02-21 Release Craft+Magento

Release Info:

Change Management ticket: 3383

Jira Release: Filter View Here

Release Owner: @Andrew Jackson @Ian Shields (Deactivated) @Ben Williamson (Deactivated)

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

(Note: 5729 has branches in both repos)

Testing Assignment spreadsheet (Check ALL 4 TABS to see if any are assigned to you.)


When cutting a branch for the fix

Verified with PM that hotfix is absolutely necessary (cannot wait to go out until the next scheduled release).
Bug ticket for hotfix is created by team.
If there is staging testing currently happening for a scheduled release, need to coordinate with current release owner.
Create hotfix/PAP-XXXX branch off of staging branch.
PR for hotfix branch → staging is created, approved and merged.
PM: create fix version for hotfix.

Once Staging PRs are approved, during staging verification:

Run deploy scripts as needed.
CHM ticket is created by Release Owner.
Confirm fix version is applied to tickets to be released.

If the staging deploy of Craft or Magento took longer than usual, communicate this to the team and discuss scheduling the release call for everyone.

If deployment will take substantially more time than ~20 minutes, please consider starting the release call with Manager, PM, Release Owner, QA Team Lead. Once the deployments are complete, open the release call to the rest of the team for testing and debugging.

Day of:

Clean Stable build on Stage, not updated since testing period began
Ticket(s) in “ready to release” status
CHM approval given by Default reviewer - usually Matt
Create PRs for deploy
PRs are approved and code is merged into production branch on our repository
Message in the #sprint-releases channel that the release is beginning


Recent Automated tests run and results verified

Code Deploy:

push to Cloud Remote and Tag*
git push cloud production:Production git tag -a CHM-3383 -m "02/21/23 Magento-Cloud Release" | git push --tags # cd to craft repo, checkout+pull production then: git tag -a CHM-3383 -m "02/21/23 Craft Release" | git push --tags

*Sample snippet only, code deploy owner to verify prior to release. Do NOT trust the release owner.

Post Deploy Release Procedure:

Restart craft queue daemon, and release all queue jobs if stuck ( sudo systemctl restart craft-queue )
Flush Magento cache after configs are complete
Ask systems-management to clear the Cloudflare cache
Notify team to Start Testing (Release Owner)
Start Automated Tests:
Pingdom Alert Restored
All tickets functionally tested & set to “Done” status if passed
Automated tests run and results verified
Mark Jira Release as Released
Mark CHM ticket as Complete
Refunds processed in Magento Admin for all testing transactions
PM: Notify Stakeholders via email that release is complete.
Release Owner: Notify Stakeholders in ReliasEcom sprint_releases Slack channel that release is complete.
Close all feature branches - and/or make PR back to integration from staging or production. (For this release It should just be closing branches)