Craft/Magento Upgrade Process (Dev environment)

This checklist was used to upgrade craft and magento on 12-19-22 as part of PAP-6952

Craft 3 → 4 procedure

1. Upgrade PHP/install dependencies
sudo dnf update -y sudo yum install yum-utils sudo dnf install sudo dnf module list php # Review php modules to confirm 8.0 is available sudo dnf module reset php sudo dnf module enable php:remi-8.0 sudo dnf module install php:remi-8.0 sudo dnf update --skip-broken --nobest #the RHEL we were given is locked to a weird version without subscriptions sudo dnf install php-imagick sudo dnf install php-bcmath sudo dnf install php-intl sudo chown -R php:php /var/lib/php/


2. Confirm PHP 8.0.2+
3. Confirm MySQL 5.7.8+ (We’re actually on MariaDB 10.3.32 but that’s fine)
4. Confirm PHP has BCMath and Intl
4.5 confirm the .env file has the new security key variable in it - CRAFT_SECURITY_KEY in duplicate of the old SECURITY_KEY
5. Backup db (mysqldump DBNAMEHERE -u USERNaMEHeRE -p -h | gzip > /tmp/CraftCms_ENV_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H%M").sql.gz )
6. pull branch (For composer update in a bit)
7. truncate craft_plugins table
8. rename feed_me_feeds table for use later on the new table
8.5 copy/rename the navigation tables for restore (The schema changes with this upgrade in those tables)
9. rm -rf vendor composer update
10. Run

This script is global on the dev server and it’s location can be found by which

  • This should do

    • npm install

    • php craft migrate/up --track craft

    • php craft project-config/apply

    • php craft migrate/all

    • npx mix

11. if there's a 500 error loading from and back- it's probably the security key, so run php craft setup/security-key and/or check that nginx user can write to /var/lib/php
12. Install all the plugins
php craft plugin/install allow-list php craft plugin/install azure-blob php craft plugin/install blitz php craft plugin/install ckeditor php craft plugin/install feed-me php craft plugin/install linkit php craft plugin/install navigation php craft plugin/install redactor php craft plugin/install retour php craft plugin/install seomatic php craft plugin/install templatecomments
13. copy the feedme feeds and navigation tables to their new tables
  • DataGrip copies booleans as empty because of its interface or something, so there's a few columns that need to be manually tweaked before it'll accept an insert. If you’re doing it that way

14. Flush caches, invalidate indexes, run image indexer

Magento 2.4.5 upgrade/deploy procedure

This script is global on the dev server and it’s location can be found by which

DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteAdminNotification'; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteAnalytics'; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteCatalog'; DELETE FROM eav_attribute where attribute_code='use_name_in_product_search'; DELETE FROM eav_attribute where attribute_code='is_displayed_in_autocomplete'; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN is_displayed_in_autocomplete; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN is_used_in_spellcheck; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN facet_min_coverage_rate; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN facet_max_size; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN facet_sort_order; ALTER TABLE search_query DROP COLUMN is_spellchecked; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN display_pattern; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN display_precision; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN sort_order_asc_missing; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN sort_order_desc_missing; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN facet_boolean_logic; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN is_display_rel_nofollow; ALTER TABLE catalog_eav_attribute DROP COLUMN include_zero_false_values; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuitecatalog_category_filterable_attribute; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuitecatalog_search_query_product_position; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteCatalogGraphQl'; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteCatalogOptimizer'; DELETE FROM smile_elasticsuite_optimizer where optimizer_id is not null; DELETE FROM smile_elasticsuite_optimizer_search_container where optimizer_id is not null; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuite_optimizer_limitation; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuite_optimizer_search_container; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuite_optimizer; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteCatalogRule'; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteCore'; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuite_relevance_config_data; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteIndices'; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteSwatches'; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteThesaurus'; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuite_thesaurus_expanded_terms; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuite_thesaurus_reference_terms; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuite_thesaurus_store; DROP TABLE smile_elasticsuite_thesaurus; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteTracker'; DROP TABLE elasticsuite_tracker_log_event; DROP TABLE elasticsuite_tracker_log_customer_link; DELETE FROM setup_module where module='Smile_ElasticsuiteVirtualCategory'; DELETE FROM eav_attribute where attribute_code='is_virtual_category'; DELETE FROM eav_attribute where attribute_code='virtual_category_root'; DELETE FROM eav_attribute where attribute_code='virtual_rule'; DROP TABLE smile_virtualcategory_catalog_category_product_position; DELETE FROM eav_attribute where attribute_code='use_store_positions'; DELETE FROM eav_attribute where attribute_code='generate_root_category_subtree';


Post Upgrade Release Procedure