Support Portal redirect setup

The Support team has asked us to set up vanity URLs on that redirect to customized learner support portals on for individual clients. At this time, these requests come from Adrienne Beaty-Chambers and Jamie Nolte.

In order to set up a new redirect, take the Relias Connect URL that the Support team gives you and set up a redirect in WPEngine:

  1. Go to the Relias environment in WPEngine’s dashboard.

  2. In the left-hand sidebar, go to Redirect Rules.

  3. At the top, click New Redirect Rule:

    1. For the Redirect Name, preface the name you choose with (Support) <your redirect name>.

    2. For Domain, choose

    3. For Source, write the vanity URL you choose like so: ^/<your-vanity-url>.

    4. For Destination URL, paste the URL provided by the Support team.

    5. Click Save

Once you click Save, the redirect should be live within a few minutes.