Development (for 3rd party vendors)

Create branch from the jira ticket

  1. Click on “Create branch” in the right panel of the Jira ticket

    1. Choose Bitbucket settings

      1. Repository: Select applicable Bitbucket repository

      2. Type: Choose the applicable type. This should typically be “Release”. The system will automatically prefix it to your branch name.

      3. From branch: Select the branch you want to branch off of. Typically, this is the master branch.

      4. Branch name: This is automatically populated based on the selections above.

      5. Click Create

Bitbucket settings for creating a Branch directly from Jira ticket.


Do development work on local environment

Using your preferred IDE, make the necessary changes for the ticket. Please be sure to follow the for instructions on how to get your local environment started.

Push ticket branch to remote

Once you’ve completed work and tested the code on your local environment, you may push your changes to the origin branch. Once pushed, please comment on the Jira ticket that the code is ready to be reviewed and deployed. A member of the UX Development team will then review your changes. If accepted, we will push the code into the develop branch.