Versions Compared


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Improvement Items

8/8/2023: Blue Dot Sprint 15 (Miro board)

  • Increased confidence level from 2 to 3 - maybe has to do with the teams focusing on their own teams' work vs the project as a whole since there's not as much visibility

  • Having a better understanding from the Product level what the expectations are for the rest of the project

  • "Shaking the tree" helps :) AKA reaching out in Slack and pushing for a little extra help

  • FE sync has been helpful!

  • Devs got on a call together to swarm big issues as they arise

  • Open huddles in Slack for folks to join and collaborate if needed

  • More PR's in general vs before - these can take more time to review/looks like a lot more in the board

  • Better communication in the PR about if something is fully ready for review vs needing to work on a few changes before it's ready

  • If you need to prioritize one over another (i.e this PR affects other blocked tickets), reach out to managers - FE tickets reach out to Ashley & BE tickets reach out to Surya (now Matt)

  • Last handful of FE tickets

  • Looking forward to getting it done, but ECM can't do anything with this until the PR's have been approved, merged & tested in QA

  • Once this request is done (222 - which was out there for a long time), we should be able to push through more

  • Suggest to get on a call with a few folks to work through it together if possible - hopefully that'll be quicker and allow for Q&A

  • Tickets from Refinement today should be good to go, and PM is continuing to reorder the Backlog & change priorities as needed

  • There will be some situations where tickets are dependent on each other, so we may not technically be able to take the next one if we know there could be blockers

  • Also priorities within the ticket description/ac - example using code within the backend as opposed to rewriting things for the front end if we can reuse what already exists - make sure to check with PM if you notice something like this

  • If we need to, we can add it to the "fe reqs vs qa" & "fast follow-up" docs

7/11/2023: Combined Sprint 12& 13 Retro

  • Blue Dot 2023 Sprint 12: 6/14/2023-7/4/2023

  • Blue Dot 2023 Sprint 13: 7/4/2023-7/11/2023

  •  Peer Review hold-ups
    •  Holiday, QP, PTO - hopefully things get better with less of these!
  •  Figma-Jira
    •  Ensure mockups are up-to-date
    •  If mock has changed - always make sure the ticket details are updated (specifically description, testing instructions, etc.)
    •  Links in comments can get lost
  •  Communication improvements
    •  If requesting updates, ask UX for ticket # to link our tickets
    •  PM should have the correct info
    •  Screenshots of Slack convos
    •  Attachments, etc.
  •  QA instability
    •  Dev due diligence with testing before PR
    •  Initial smoke test Christian wrote isn't going to work, but Isaac is helping with something new
  •  Shared component changes need consistency
    •  Storybook work from Zach should help
    •  Reach out to the team before making changes to shared components to check that your work isn't going to replace something someone else did (or you previously)
    •  FE syncs should help with this - make sure to call this out
    •  Chat in FE Slack channel
    •  Someone create a Confluence doc please :)
  •  Ashley scheduled meeting with Bethany & Isaac for Friday to discuss components
    •  How do they interact with them
    •  What our friction points have been


  •  Q3 Planning went well :)

6/26/2023: Q3 Quarterly Planning Week

6/13/2023: Blue Dot Sprint 11

  •  I need everyone to confirm you can access our projects in Atlas:
    •  Okta > Atlassian tile > Atlas > Projects > search Nurse > Follow Nurse Profile & Job Board
    •  You can follow the CE Admin Migration project as well if you want to
    •  This ensures you get weekly updates and are in the loop on what's being shared with stakeholders across the business
  •  QA instability (i.e functionality being wiped/changed)
  •  Better documentation
    •  Does anyone want to lead that (outside of MB & Sabi that are creating documentation for automated testing)
  •  Communication
    •  Potential to break larger tickets and/or PR's smaller
    •  Christian to follow-up
  •  Alyssa to share required Jira fields to teams and create Confluence page with requirements from PM creation
  •  Follow-up on BE connection ticket
  •  Zach to look into Storybook documentation for components (can work with Christian)
  •  Alyssa & Christian to follow-up with team on Fix Version note below


  •  Y'all did an amazing job this Sprint - was there anything you did differently than others?
  •  Follow-up on Fix Versions and understanding of what code will be deployed to production — everything is being merged into the integration branch, which means anything in that branch will be deployed on initial launch. If there is code included in a ticket, it should have a Fix Version of MVP-1. No Release Impact is for tickets that track work that does NOT include code to be deployed to prod.
  •  Crushed this Sprint!
  •  Onboarded Zach!
  •  Yay automated testing!
  •  Great job identifying dependencies
  •  All action items from last time done!

5/30/2023: Blue Dot Sprint 10

  •  QA stability issues
    •  Alyssa to setup meeting with Ashley (schedule permitting), Lakshmi, Surya, Christian, Tom, Patrick, Jose, Altai, Clenso as required. Jordan as optional.
    •  Errors, code/functionality being wiped (maybe not as often as I thought), etc.
  •  Ensure communication of issues/fixes with larger group 6/7 - need to re-send follow-up I think? (Alyssa)
  •  Slack Robot reminder halfway through the sprint to remind people to follow-up on and complete retro action items – Ashley Edds
  •  Fist to Five: 6/7 - Alyssa delivered messaging in first Atlas update
  •  Nurse Profile = Off Track (0,1,most 2,3)
    •  Dependent on Magento - actively being looked into by Pankaj and Christian
    •  CE Admin Submarine work 6/7 - Devesh is starting work on this today
    •  Dependencies/unknowns are the biggest issue 6/7 - Pre-refinement between teams to discuss
  •  Nurse Stories/Blog = On Track (most 4,5)
    •  AJ will be helping soon as well
    •  Well shaped
  •  Overall = Off Track (2 & most 3)



5/16/2023: Blue Dot Sprint 9

  •  Slack Robot reminder halfway through the sprint to remind people to follow-up on and complete retro action items – Ashley Edds
  •  Async standup trial? Ashley Edds to reach out to Alyssa Grissom (Deactivated) to discuss. If ok, will set up automation for async standup
  •  Ashley Edds to update supernurse-frontend channel to alert members when a PR is created
  •  Ashley Edds will begin posting a screenshot from the bi-weekly Monday meeting with UX re: their upcoming priorities
  •  Patrick Sheffield to reach out to Abram re: UX stuff
  •  Ashley Edds to reach out to see if Zaengle can have access to SonarCloud
  •  Future retros: discuss tickets that remained in progress for longer than originally pointed for or had big scope creep – Raymond Sidharta


  • If new details emerge or AC of a ticket change, please make a note in the testing instructions section to call out the change specifically to the QA team. Make sure to update AC and description in the ticket to reflect the change.

  • SonarCloud build failures are a blocker to Zaengle devs – no insight into what the build failures are specifically related to.

  • Peer Reviews still taking a long time

    • If your ticket is sitting in peer review, reach out to default reviewers directly.

    • Doing this in the supernurse-frontend channel will allow dev managers to see the blocker too and we can help push along

    • Automation alerting channel to new PRs would be helpful.

  • Don’t be afraid to label a ticket as blocked. It only helps us to have that information.

    • Adding context for the block in the comments of the ticket is essential.

  • Sabi completed first automated test. WOOT!

  • Async standups are awesome.

  • Epic ownership is going well.

5/2/2023: Blue Dot Sprint 8

  •  Epic “owner” research for this Sprint
    •  Need more info before we can further refine tickets
  •  Blue Dot & Krypton dependencies
    •  Follow-up with Tom on async communication/visibility piece
    •  What can we do from here
    •  UPDATE: No real action item left – still blocked by Krypton work, which has been slow moving.
  •  We can’t move PR’s to draft - look into it after discussion with Tom
    •  UPDATE: No further action needed here. Will not utilize a draft version
  •  Need to know what the design timeline is
    •  What’s in progress, coming soon, etc.
    •  Standing design review meetings
      •  One specific for job board right now
      •  Need to look into one for Blue Dot work
    •  UPDATE: New UX status field added. Will work on adding more visibility to UX items coming up – Ashley to add screenshot from biweekly meetings to team channel.
  •  Lysle, Bri, Raymond & Janaky to send out communication after UX syncs to keep everyone together
    •  Is there a Miro board that’s used/can be updated
  •  Alyssa to revisit workflow with Surya on transitions between swimlanes - start with ready to test to testing
  •  Follow-up from last time - due by next refinement (5/16)
    •  Story Pointing Guide - needs FE updates
      •  Review last Sprint’s points to determine if they were accurate
      •  If not - reassess pointing guidance
      •  New fields?
        •  Expected points at beginning of Sprint
        •  Actual at the end to determine if it was accurate
    •  UPDATE: Will use story pointing guide as reference in refinements when there is a discrepency on pointing. Will not add new fields to tickets about scope creep, but should take time in future retros to discuss.


  •  Yay to the onsite!
  •  Communication has improved
  •  Rachel is fully onboarded!

4/18/2023: Blue Dot Sprint 7

  •  Alyssa & Ashley to discuss workflow with Surya
  •  Communication improvements in Jira tickets
  •  What can we do about the number of meetings?
    •  Cuts down on productivity if we can only work between meetings
  •  Quarterly Planning Suggestions:
    •  Split kick-off’s into product lines?
    •  Shorten if possible?
    •  Less detail between each team’s plan?
    •  Recording/email of each product line that others can review at their convenience?
  •  Story Pointing Guide - needs FE updates
    •  Review last Sprint’s points to determine if they were accurate
    •  If not - reassess pointing guidance
    •  New fields?
      •  Expected points at beginning of Sprint
      •  Actual at the end to determine if it was accurate
  •  Depending on how next Sprint goes, if we get bottleknecked on the right side of the board, maybe we implement a “max” so we can’t move more in?


  •  We can start using the Super Nurse Advanced Roadmap to view Dependencies across teams - super helpful!

4/4/2023: Blue Dot 2023 Sprint 6

  •  PR bottlenecks
    •  Note to Supernurse channel to call out FE/BE Slack channels will be primary resource for requesting PR approval (after Jira/Bitbucket/email automation)
    •  If there are large changes, try to set up a call to go through everything quicker
  •  Make sure blockers are brought up during Standup
  •  Testing Instructions required before testing
    •  Link to Figma, desktop or mobile testing, etc.
  •  Need more attention on dependencies
  •  Can use the Super Nurse Dependencies dashboard to filter for tickets
    •  Please bring up in Standup from now on or in Super Nurse Slack channel


  • Every other Tuesday with a bunch of meetings is a lot 😕 merp

  • MB confirmed QA has been much better lately

  • Follow-up on automated deployments below Surya Bhatt (Deactivated) Christian Roberts Can y’all help with this? (notes below)

Blue Dot Sprint 5_2023

Welcome to the team Janaky (smile)

  •  Checkin on QA environment stability issues
  •  Automated deployments for PR approvals
  •  Automated deployments to QA (SYS-4159)
  •  Secure design timeline from UI/UX teams & (Janaky can help with this)


  • Strong focus on communication - relaying updates & issues across the team in Slack

  • Adhoc walkthrough for Devs to ask questions on design review

  • Yay Dev team picking up tickets and working through tickets! Most productive & smooth Sprint yet!

Sprint 41 (4_2023)

  •  Automate Jira to auto populate the “Developer” field as soon as a commit is made
  •  QA Deploy automation (Jose Garcia)
  •  Tom Davies (Zaengle) to send Christian a checklist of self tests for PR
  •  Automate JIRA to automatically move tickets that have been successfully PR'ed, to Ready for Integration Testing
  •  Reschedule Team Blue Dot Refinement and Retro to be 2 pm and 3 pm


  • What went well:

    • We got QA environment setup

    • PR reviews were faster than prior sprint

    • Tickets moving along

    • Pairing, knowledge sharing, getting up to speed (thank you, Tom Davies!)

  • To improve:

    • Remember to set yourself as the developer on tickets that are assigned to you. This provides data on what work the teams accomplished in a sprint.

    • Not all issues have testing instructions when they go to test

    • Amount of revision cycles for PRs

    • PR Reviewers list (need more discussion?)

Sprint 40 (3_2023)


  • Shoutouts: to Tom for the pairing sessions and helping team learn building craft components; Jay was very collaborative on the pairing session with Thom

  • Thanks for being willing to try out a new sprint process and give feedback about what's not working!

  • Team making great progress on learning Craft

  • Product team got few things ready for the dev team to start building components

  • PR approvals should be thorough reviews, not just rubber stamps. Please do not add an approval if you have not thoughtfully completed it.

  • PR Review Responsibility: When 16 people are auto-tagged for review, that adds a lot of noise to inboxes and makes it easy to think that someone else will cover it. And not all PRs should be reviewed by everybody from the list. I think we could reduce the amount of time PRs spend waiting on approval if we designated certain people to review certain work.

  • Add Work-in-progress limits to the workflow

  • update written documentation of Craft standards and improve on boarding of people into Craft

  • Time between sprints: Adding a longer "cool down" period between sprints would allow tickets to be reviewed in greater detail, then shaped, and scheduled, and result in less tickets being taken off the board mid-sprint because they aren't ready to work, or require other work prior to starting.

  • If no testing by QA can be performed on your ticket, please indicate that in the Testing Instructions.

Sprint 39

  •   Rachel & Isaac: Meet to discuss coding standards.
  •  Have design system ready for Zaengle - make sure we remove blockers and get answers.
  •   Start using new Git process.
  •   Lakshmi: Create a Team Blue Dot Confluence page to clarify who has what responsibilities, and also what skills / specialities they have.


  • Quite a few tickets in the Done column. Nice job!

  • Zaengle team was onboarded, doing a great job of being proactive and getting this done.

  • Good start on Craft side buildout

  • QA team got their locals set up

  • Suggestion: Have an ‘.editorconfig’ in the repo to help with standardizing our code/avoiding pingpong changes due to editor settings.

  • Tasks don't always have their pre-requisites / dependencies documented (e.g design). Makes it hard to see if a task is really ready for work.

  • We need to have approved design ready before starting a sprint.

  • As someone joining the project, it is somewhat hard to tell who has what responsibilities, and also what skills / specialities they have.

  • Ensure the dev team has a cohesive vision for the approach to the build (i.e. project plan) and understanding team responsibilities.

  • Tooling for code consistency / linting seems light - would be helpful to have that + agreed standards

  • Meetings - For a lite sprint, there were a lot of meetings that feel like they could be asynchronous written updates.


Sprint 38

  •  Fix password reset logging
  •  Understand how to test the components – check with Christian
  •  See if the backend docker can be refined – Isaac to have an initial look at it


  • It’d be great of Chris or someone with experience on the Vue components could walk us (Razar) through how we can help QA components

  • Further clarity on tasks that are being done on our local testing regarding integrations

  • Lots of work done this sprint!!!

  • Chris’s demo aligned everyone on app architecture.

  • Good movement on refinement.

Sprint 37

  •  QA and Stage env for Super Nurse
  •  Unit tests on code and have code coverage tool
  •  Frontend and backend standards documentation


  • Shoutouts: Isaac, for front end setup and auto reload. Chad, for integration/unit tests setup, and confluence doc. Chad, Jay & Thom, data layer work. Christian, helping Razar with frontend.

  • Holiday break

  • great team work. Lot of tickets got completed

  • Learned more about RabbitMQ and AspectJ

  • Many unknows still for Super Nurse

  • Clearer design expectations in tickets, esp. foundational

  • Coding Standards documentation

  • More unit tests

Sprint 36

  •  Less meeting for Devs
  •  Fix system matching for license (SUB-702)


  • Communities Meetup

  • Good progress on Super Nurse tickets

  • New Team Name

  • Team work between both teams.

  • Shoutouts: Diep, fixing SuperNurse backend API

  • GTM Datalayer work

  • Need UI mockups

  • Refinement still needs to work out some issues

  • Complete all the tickets in the sprint.