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Improvement Items

8/8/2023: Krypton 2023 Sprint 15 (Miro board)

  • Increased confidence level from 2 to 3 - maybe has to do with the teams focusing on their own teams' work vs the project as a whole since there's not as much visibility

  • We only have 23 tickets in the backlog with 17 (excluding data migration/job credits potentially) not started yet - more of a direct vision to "the end"?

  • EM's to work with PM's to determine what work is left and how to best group Devs to work on that together

  • Trying to get things out quicker can cause us to overlook things, but some folks don't seem like this is a new problem right now

  • Change to FE duplication standard could be a possibility - moved from 3% to 90%

  • Team to focus more on the PR process to try and catch these earlier if possible

  • Difficult trade-off rush to get code out vs focusing stronger on quality

  • Epic Owners:

  • Bri, Janaky Raymond: Instead of waiting for approval before the team starts work, can we have folks pull tickets in from the Backlog in order and they can tag you to let you know they've done it and then ask if there's something else that takes higher priority?

  • Don't want people to not feel empowered/trusted to work on what needs to be done - try to find a balance between "asking permission vs forgiveness" (for lack of better terms)

  • Follow up with Isaac / ECM on getting FE's backends to point to QA

  • FE team had a lot of issues recently - couldn't get builds to build consistently, not sure what the original issue was before

  • Had to revert back to Java 17 for some - others it just started working on its own 🙃

  • Improvements to the clean command should be revisited after initial launch

  • Question out to Lysle & Bri - will update shortly

7/11/2023: Combined Sprint 12& 13 Retro

  • Krypton 2023 Sprint 12: 6/14/2023-7/4/2023

  • Krypton 2023 Sprint 13: 7/4/2023-7/11/2023

  •  Alyssa to schedule monthly cross-team Retro starting on 7/25
    •   Either use 1 PM Krypton or 3 PM Blue Dot
  •  FE's to meet and discuss DoD for shared components
    •  Shared components should be standardized
    •  Clear & consistent options instead of multiple
    •  Can this be taken care of during the next FE sync?
      •  Devs are going to start chat in FE Slack channel and either set time up tomorrow (Wed 7/12) or wait until the sync on Thursday
    •  Storybook that Zach is working on can help with this
    •  Component isn't "shared" if it's created as a one-off/doesn't have multiple subscribers
  •  Can someone create a Confluence page with this info/ability for others to share feedback?
    •  Style guide/kitchen sink
    •  Need to schedule FE meeting
    •  Tom is also creating style guide
  •  Further discussion for MVP
    •  Wireframes not done
    •  Shared components can't be entirely fixed right now - need to create tickets to clean this up after initial launch


  •  Quarterly Planning went well!
  •  Y'all did an amazing job this Sprint - completed so many points & bugs
  •  PR queue is healthy
  •  Communication & flexibility!

6/26/2023: Q3 Quarterly Planning Week

5/16/2023: Krypton 2023 Sprint 9

  •  I need everyone to confirm you can access our projects in Atlas:
    •  Okta > Atlassian tile > Atlas > Projects > search Nurse > Follow Nurse Profile & Job Board
    •  You can follow the CE Admin Migration project as well if you want to
    •  This ensures you get weekly updates and are in the loop on what's being shared with stakeholders across the business
  •  Need to figure out how to prevent issues with QA functionality being undone
    •  Force pulling most up to date branch from integration before merging code
    •  Selenium testing updates?
      •  Christian working on this
  •  Change "went well" tickets to green :)
  •  Smaller pull requests discussion
    •  Probably makes more sense to break the cards down into smaller ones
    •  Need to start doing this more during Refinement?
    •  Case by case decisions - taking offline and may add to Q3 planning focus group


  •  Y'all did an amazing job this Sprint - was there anything you did differently than others?
  •  TONS of work done, bugs were bashed & great teamwork!
  •  BE & FE Epic owners from now on (may start in Q3, but hopefully sooner)

5/30/2023: Krypton Sprint 10

  •  Basically unable to utilize Text Kernel.. need to revisit options
    •  Lack of documentation, resources, etc.
    •  Causing delays to our project timeline
    •  Will require the team to spend the same amount of time to set something new up that they’ve already done for TK so far
  •  QA Environment issues:
    •  Inconsistent availability
    •  Some functionality is wiped after merges/deploys
  •  Testing concerns
    •  We don’t have testing for everything - need search tests
    •  Are we waiting for Selenium? NEED MORE INFO HERE
    •  Thom Roberts with more info
  •  Figma links are sometimes missing from tickets - need to audit before team starts work
    •  Also want to see if we can confirm that links are accurate/updated
  •  Jasmine Baik to discuss error handling with Sean Kramer
  •  Better breakdown of large cards to smaller ones to prevent hold up and provide incremental delivery


  •  James was onboarded!

5/16/2023: Krypton 2023 Sprint 9

  •  Better breakdown of large cards to smaller ones to prevent hold up and provide incremental delivery
  •  Don’t add meetings/collaboration, find ways to cut down on meetings for all the devs
  •  TextKernel- don’t have all our specialties, and we will only map anything which is overlapped. We will proceed to pass SUP-466, and we may need to create a new ticket to have a different strategy to handle specialties.

5/2/2023: Krypton 2023 Sprint 8

  •  Pick up Text Kernel items after Chad leaves
  •  Continue FE sync to avoid duplicate work
    •  Very important for everyone to join if possible to also prevent breaking others code
  •  Christian & Sabi are working on Selenium testing
  •  If you use a shared component, look at what other pieces of the system are also using this to see if your code can affect it
    •  Unit testing needs to be done everywhere that component touches, not just your code
    •  Add this information to the acceptance criteria in the Jira ticket
    •  Reviewers call out during Peer Review if noticed
  •  The above is hard to solve with process improvements only - need to layer
    •  Responsibility on Devs to check components (details above)
    •  Visit the idea of SME’s for shared components
      •  Confluence/Bitbucket pages with more info
      •  Technical roadshow opportunity
    •  Revisit changes after others have been rolled out
  •  Need more info on set license API outside of Academy Services
    •  Henry to follow-up with Raymond on confirmation
    •  May not roll-out anytime soon, so we can probably revisit this at a later time
  •  Segment Sprint Planning should remain consistent
    •  Discuss with Nico & Raymond if the question is related to SUB vs SUP


  •  Team on-site was awesome!
  •  Thank for everything, Chad - we’ll miss you!!

4/18/2023: Krypton 2023 Sprint 7

  •  Really want to focus on engagement
  •  What can we do to have meetings less frequently or shorter?
  •  Improve ticket details - description, acceptance criteria, testing instructions, etc.
    •  Alignment on language for team to use for clarity
    •  More details allow for quicker development and testing
  •  Better communication between Blue Dot & Krypton and/or discussions about anything big that may affect the others


  •  Reiterating safe space for feedback & engagement
  •  Add notes in the Super Nurse channel for big changes that could affect them or create dependencies
  •  Yay Andrew joining!
  •  We can start using the Super Nurse Advanced Roadmap to view Dependencies across teams - super helpful!

4/4/2023: Krypton 2023 Sprint 6

  •  Coordinate better b/w FE & BE tickets to ensure nothing breaks when code is merged
    •  Make sure that tickets are created/comments are added if we know these issues may arise
    •  Wait to merge backend until FE ticket is created to resolve issue
  •  Communication log of ticket progress
    •  Comments in Jira
    •  Linked Confluence page if there’s a lot of back and forth
    •  If conversation happens in Slack, add summary to ticket
  •  Use @ here in Slack if you need immediate help in Slack
  •  Need more attention on dependencies
    •  Can use the Super Nurse Dependencies dashboard to filter for tickets
    •  Please bring up in Standup from now on or in Super Nurse Slack channel
  •  PR’s (FE) are taking longer than expected to be approved
    •  Refer to FE/BE coordination above - can be helpful
    •  Ping default reviewers and/or @ here in FE/BE Slack channels when PR’s are submitted/updated
    •  If you still need quicker attention, ping team-supernurse channel
  •  Open invite post-standup for FE to discuss technical details, work on issues together, etc. (owned by Christian)
    •  Discuss PR’s, Peer Review, etc.
    •  Does BE want one as well? (Sean will ask if people want to stay after standup)
  •  Segment presentation with details on use case/implementation for us
    •  Reach out to Nico? (Surya)
    •  Maybe present in Roadshow
  •  Review Regression Testing Doc during QP


  • #BeLikeDiep (smile)

  • Yay Sean!

  • Yay Testers!

  • Discuss splitting larger tickets during QP Refinements

Krypton Sprint 5_2023

  •  Determine criteria to split larger tickets
  •  Frequent review of QA environment to ensure deployments haven’t broken anything (missing functionality sometimes)
  •  Capacity Tracker is required for all team members
  •  Matt is working with ECM team to automate Jira ticket status updates after PR’s are merged
  •  Chris to add Razar and Zaengle to sonarcloud
  •  Get Ryan Irelan on PRs (needs relias email) Helpdesk ticket for email: RIH-9723 (this is done)


  • Our team is a safe space for all feedback - don’t hesitate to each out if issues arise. You can reach out to your DM/EM directly if you aren’t comfortable sending to the larger group.

  • We may be changing the process for Sprint 6 (more details to come)

  • Capacity Tracker will help with potential PR blockers

Krypton Sprint 4_2023

  •  Get Ryan Irelan onboarded so can do Craft PRs
  •  Move retro to 1PM
  •  When giving a lot of feedback on PRs, huddle with the dev to work through the issues to reduce feedback/fix cycle
  •  Christian - coding standards documentation

Krypton Sprint 3_2023

  •  Get everybody set up with the new QA environment
  •  Need a staging environment in addition to QA


  • New sprint process had some stumbles, some fine tuning may be necessary (will revert to a more traditional sprint process)

  • PR bottlenecks

  • FE needs gate to make sure it is “working” code that is merged in

Sprint 39

  •  Ashley to follow up on QA, Stage, and Prod environments setup for Super Nurse
    •  UPDATE: QA coming very soon, will push for update on Stg/Prod once that’s done.
  •  Regarding switch to composition. Chris is going to look into existing work and convert. And Chris is going to meet the team, to address any questions or concerns


  • Issues with frontend side communication on how things will be done. And overlapping work

  • To have FE and BE work be split to different tickets

  • Peer Review process seemed to get backed up a little bit

  • Vue composition API requirement wasn’t communicated before hand. Had a action item specified above regarding this.

  • Should consider dependencies when assigning tickets to other team

  • Kudos to Qiyi for all testing in the Sprint. Sean for reviewing every backend ticket. Surya is back.

  • Team work and team synergy seems to be increasing

  • Datalayer code successfully deployed to Production

  • Got amount of work done within the sprint.


Sprint 38

  •  Reminder to have unit tests on code
  •  Ashley to follow up on QA, Stage, and Prod environments setup for Super Nurse
  •  Isaac to work on Bitbucket Pipeline for Front-End
  •  Product team to continue working on the backlog items to make sure they are ready with no blockers
  •  Ashley to setup a follow up meeting on branching process for the team (early next week)


  • Unit tests on code were good

  • PR have improved. No longer stuck for long in the column

  • Lots of tickets were completed

Sprint 37

  •  JB to restart the Front End Chapter recurring meetings
  •  PR needs to be reviewed/looked at better
  •  Unit tests on code


  • Shoutouts: Jeff! Jimmy! Great teamwork!

  • PR comments were helpful

  • Team members were helpful in answering questions

  • Product leadership working hard to flesh out backlog

  • Santa came and everyone was happy

Sprint 36

  •  Local frontend setups
  •  Upcoming holidays/PTO to plan for first sprint of 2023
  •  Karaoke scheduled
  •  Improve backend PR interaction/approvals


  • Shoutouts: Jeff! Product team!

  • Lots of good communication as new team forms.

  • Standups are going well.

  • Refinement still needs to work out some issues

    • Need to streamline ticket organization

  • Backend PRs don’t have a ton of eyes